June 1, 2010

Ch. 714 - "Tiaka..."

I haven't published a post for the last two weeks for a number of reasons. Those reasons don't matter, nor do my writings. It's not a big deal. I've been writing in a notebook now and then, in addition to the random notations I jot down in my blank page journal that I tote everywhere. Man that thing is great... Anyway, I haven't decided whether I'm going to use any of those writings for future posts. Probably not.

To be completely honest, I don't think I'm going to write any posts for the remainder of the summer. That's another decision I have yet to make. I'm on the verge of being swept into a new season of my life and I really think it needs to be a time of little to no "technological communication". No texting. No Facebook. No Blogspot. No computer, really, except for when I need it to do something for my online courses I'm taking this summer. I just want to unplug. And I think I'd be able to do so quite easily, to tell you the truth. For others, I know it'd be incredibly difficult. Even teachers at school are noted for being tech-savvy and "with it" to such a great degree that they are constantly checking their smart phones with every vibration or ding that come from the devices. Sad. Necessary? At times, perhaps. But still... sad.

A few weeks ago I went down to IHOP-KC with a friend. The moment we arrived, my friend went into the café in search of an electrical outlet for his computer. And then he started to freak out because his phone was about to die and he didn't have his charger. He began to ask others in the café if they had an iPhone charger. Once he found someone who did, I knew that was it... he would be plugged into the wall for the entire time we were there. He only went into the prayer room when the café had closed, and it was too dark/cool outside to stay there any longer. I was pretty disappointed. Not with him, mind you - but for him. If only he could have fully realized what he was missing out on. What really got me was something he said at the beginning of our time at IHOP. He mentioned that he was upset because he felt the need to be able to be connected to people at all times.

Calls. Texts. Twitter. Emails. Skype.

Do we truly need to be "on the grid" at all times? ... I don't think so. To each his own, I suppose. But I feel that it's important to be on the grid with the One who matters most... constantly listening, watching, and waiting for something from Him.

Messages. Revelations. Truths.

Wait for Him.

That is one of the greatest things - if not the greatest - that I learned this past year. Sometimes that is the best thing we could ever do. Simply wait for God.

And trust that He will show up.
Trust that He will answer.
Trust that He will help.
Trust that He will guide.


Click here to revisit Chapter 155.


Central Christian College of the Bible said...

Great insights, Natalie. Hit very close to home for me. Sometimes you've got to see the contrast side by side before we realize our problems. Sort of like not knowing your shoes are dirty until you compare them to brand new ones. Enjoy your summer unplugged (and your online class).

Cioara Andrei said...

Foarte interesant subiectul deybatut de tine.M-am uitat pe blogul tau si imi place ce am vazut, cu siguranta am sa mai revin o zi buna!