May 25, 2011

Ch. 799 - The List: Strengths

I got me some guns, lemme tell ya.  I'm easily the strongest person I know.

Like I said in my last post... a comedian.

I'm one of those people who doesn't like to think about what they are good at.  It has taken quite some time for me to be able to accept compliments graciously, and I have often needed affirmation after affirmation to finally believe that what was being said of me was true.  I have come to accrue over the years, then, ideas of my strengths.  Things I am good at, abilities, etc.  Even some skills I have had to 'learn' to see I actually possess.  And yet at the same time, I often feel like I have no idea what's really included as a strength of mine.

I suppose I could go with the generic, obvious things... like... writing.  I write in a variety - for lack of a better word - of ways.  For example, I am able to switch from a very research-based writing style to a nonchalant, unpatterned style.  

With lists.
[For example.  ... That's how 'The List' series got started, after all!]

I don't know.  It is my belief that anyone can write.  And who is to judge what is "good" writing, anyway?  ... Alright, grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. aside.  I like to write.  But that doesn't mean it's a strength.

Moving on, I would also say that a strength is my public speaking ability.  While I do tend to be a better communicator with the written word, as long as I have time to prepare, I can be a very good speaker.  So I may include my tendency for preparedness as a strength, as well.

I am an excellent organizer.
That sounds so much nicer than, "I have OCD."


Well, my mom just walked into my room.
So I asked her what my strengths were.
"One of your strengths is that you're pretty."

She also mentioned poise.
A kind and gentle heart.
A heart for children.
And those who are downtrodden.

She also mentioned information processing. 
And a variety of other things.

So yes, some of them may be considered strengths.... others, not so much.
But she is my mother and I love hearing what she has to say.
She knows me better than anyone.
Save God, of course.
I love her.

But going on from there... mmm.  I don't know.

Language acquisition?  Haha.
Ability to adapt?  See things through different lenses?


If you didn't already know this, I often am a lot of weeks "behind" my posts.  But I like the idea of consistency, so with this 'List' series I've been spacing each post by five days from when I first started.  So even though it is actually August 17, I will post this as May 25... and continue this way until I am done with the List posts.  And here's something semi-interesting: I started this post about a week and a half ago.  August 8, to be specific.  And on August 10, I had a meeting with a couple people and was presented with some books after the meeting.  A couple were to read throughout the fall as part of my internship.  One was for a study I will be part of.  And a couple were just read-through-them-if-you've-got-some-time type of books.  One that was recommended I read through first was this book called StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath.  There's a code in the back of the book that allows the reader to access an online "test" so that he or she may be presented with their top five "strengths".  So here I am, two days after beginning a post that I really have no idea how to write... when I am given this book.  I'm sure you can imagine my delight.  So I went ahead and took the test.  ... The long, ridiculous, strangely-worded, "unfair" test.  You know the type... where you so badly want to say, "Yes, that's me!" to both of the answers they provide.  Boooooo.  So after forty-five frustrating minutes of arguing with myself over practically each question - but only for about 18 seconds because it automatically moves to the next question after 20 seconds! - I received my results:



I'll give you some quotes from each section in the book:

"I am inquisitive.  I collect things - information or objects.  Because it [whatever 'it' may be] interests me.  My mind finds so many things interesting.  The world is exciting precisely because of its infinite variety and complexity." 

"I see the potential in others.  In my view no individual is fully formed... [but rather] a work in progress, alive with possibilities.  When I interact with others, my goal is to help them experience success... to challenge them.  Over time many will seek me out for help and encouragement because on some level they know that my helpfulness is both genuine and fulfilling to me."

[Alright, this is the one I see in myself the most, so I'll basically be writing down the entire paragraph that explains Connectedness.]
"Things happen for a reason.  I am sure of it because in my soul I know that we're all connected.  Yes, we are individuals, responsible for our own judgments and in possession of our own free will, but nonetheless we are part of something larger.  ... I gain confidence from knowing that we are not isolated from one another or from the earth and the life on it.  This feeling of Connectedness implies certain responsibilities.  If we are all part of a larger picture, then we must not harm others because we will be harming ourselves.  We must not exploit because we will be exploiting ourselves.  My awareness of these responsibilities create my value system.  I am considerate, caring, and accepting.  Certain of the unity of humankind, I am a bridge builder for people of different cultures.  Sensitive to the invisible hand, I can give others comfort that there is a purpose beyond our humdrum lives.  The exact articles of your faith will depend on my upbringing and my culture, but my faith is strong.  It sustains me and my close friends in the face of life's mysteries."  Note: this book is not a "religious" or "Christian" book.  Just fyi.

"I like to think.  I like mental activity.  This need for mental activity may be focused... [or] this mental activity may very well lack focus.  The theme of Intellection doesn't dictate what I'm thinking about; it simply describes that I like to think.  I'm the kind of person who enjoys my time alone because it's my time for musing and reflection.  I'm introspective.  It may lead to a slight sense of discontent as I compare what I'm actually doing with all the thoughts and ideas that my mind conceives [YOU HAVE NO IDEA!].  Or it may tend toward more pragmatic matters..."

[This one explains me very well, too.  Expect another longer bit of reading.]
"My world needs to be predictable... ordered and planned.  So I instinctively impose structure on my world.  I set up routines.  I am not necessarily neat and clean [oh yes, I am], but I do need precision.  Faced with the inherent messiness of life, I want to feel in control.  Lacking this theme of Discipline, others may sometimes resent my need for order, but there need not be conflict.  I must understand that not everyone feels my urge for predictability; they have other ways of getting things done.  Likewise, I can help them understand and even appreciate my need for structure.  My dislike of surprises [false], my impatience with errors [true], my routines [semi-true], and my detail orientation [TRUE] don't need to be misinterpreted as controlling behaviors that box people in.  Rather, these behaviors can be understood as my instinctive method for maintaining my progress and my productivity in the face of life's many distractions."

So there you go.
Each section has a few quotes from people that are under that category, which were neat to read.  The sections also have 'Ideas for Action' so that you can focus on your strengths and, well, strengthen them.  Develop them, really.  There are also some points made about working with people who have whatever strength you're reading about: also very cool. 

I would say that for the most part, I do agree with my assessment.  Some more than others, obviously.  And in looking at the other themes, I found myself thinking, 'This is totally me!  This should be on the list!' a few times.  But you can't expect a website or a book to know/tell everything about you.  That would be absurd. 

For example, I would have included: Adaptability, Deliberative [... well, maybe], Empathy, Individualization, Relator.

This has turned out to be an interesting post for me.  I love learning as I go along.  
It's good for me.

May 20, 2011

Ch. 798 - The List: Wants and Needs

As with Ch. 775, I have decided to group items on the list into one post.  I have decided to do this because of the great confusion that people have seemed to create over that which are wants and needs.

Want, want, want.
I want, want, want.
We want, want, want.

Need, need, need.
I need, need, need.
We need, need, need.


What I want is this: people to stop wanting all the time.
And what I need is this: people to stop needing what they merely want.
Er, for people to - at the least - stop saying they need what they merely want.

Sad, isn't it?  How greatly we tend to focus on what we [supposedly] want.

And I mean, it's not even the wanting that is so horrendous at times, but rather the objects of our wants... as well as the fact that it is more often than not ourselves that we desire to gratify, or obtain for.

Why not focus on what we see in Scripture that points to what God wants?
Both of and for us.

Does it really all come down to love?
I move that the answer very well may be 'yes'.

I suppose it's under the umbrella of '"Jesus" is always the right answer' when asked a question in Sunday school.  Silly, but true.  Just take a moment and think about it.  And then take another moment to read over the following Scripture verses:

' "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." '
[Micah 6:8]
... Don't fret over 'require'.

' "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' "
[Matthew 22:36-39]

'Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.'
[James 1:27]

'Come near to God and he will come near to you...'
[James 4:8a]

Pretty forseeable verses to pull, I know.  Typical.  But I appreciate the fact they all do, indeed, point to loving God and others in one way or another.  They also all have to do with relationships, whether with God or people.  And while I would love to say that these are things that God "needs" us to do... I have a difficult time believing that God actually needs us to do anything.

There is so very much more to it.  I mean, I'm pretty sure that God "wants" us to obey Him.  And after three years of Bible college, I think it's safe to say that I know God does not "want" us to kill people - among other things.  ... Heh.

Perhaps God wants me to be a comedian.

I will say it again:

'Sad, isn't it?  How greatly we tend to focus on what we [supposedly] want.'
... Rather than that which is necessary, our needs to live.
And yet, do we even truly need anything to do those things?

We certainly don't need anything to love.

Other than the knowledge and belief that we were first loved by God, perhaps.

May 15, 2011

Ch. 797 - The List: Hopes

"I hope so!"

How often do we use this phrase?
[... A lot, certainly.]

Sometimes I wonder whether we have forgotten the meaning of the word 'hope'.  Verb?  Noun?  Do either mean as much as they used to?  What kinds of things do we hope for?  And what should we place our hope in, anyway?

Merriam-Webster says that to hope is 'to cherish a desire with anticipation.'  To trust.  And it says that hope itself is 'an expectation of fulfillment or success.'  A reliance.

Trust.  Rely. 
I can work with that.

Place your hope in Jesus.

Trust in Him.
Rely on Him.

Jesus is our Hope.

He is our anticipated desire.
He is our expectation of fulfillment.

Easier said than done.

Done before it's even said, if we truly have faith.

Where do you place your hope?
Your family?
Your friends?
Your career?
For you "religious people", perhaps even your church?

What do you hope for?

The lists could go on.

And I could leave it at that, and let you think a little.  But I don't feel like being done [because I don't feel like starting my laundry yet], so I will let you in on a few things. 

I tend to place my hope in my mom.  She is a wise woman.  A teacher, though not professionally.  Sometimes I first go to her for advice or help, rather than God.  But while she always has something good to say, she doesn't have all the answers.  And she knows that.... which I am thankful for.  Anyway, I really need to continue working on going to God first in and for everything.

I also tend to place my hope in myself.  'I hope I can do this, so that/or else... yadda yadda yadda.'  It's just so wrong.  I mean, it's one thing to have confidence in yourself and your abilties, skills, etc.  But to put pressure upon yourself through that hope in order to obtain something or get somewhere - especially for self-benefit... not a good idea.

Sometimes I hope for the most trivial of things.
'Man, I hope all the parents come for their kids by 5:30 today!'
'Dang, I'm five minutes later than usual - I hope "my" elliptical isn't taken.'
'I hope I make all the lights downtown!'

Why aren't we quicker to hope for things like people coming to trust in the gospel?  Or for an increase in the Holy Spirit's guidance of our everyday lives?  Or, even if seemingly a bit premature, the return of Jesus Christ?  We should be thinking twice about what we are honestly hoping in and for.  Both for ourselves and others, really.

May 10, 2011

Ch. 796 - The List: Romania

I have written about Romania before.

Nothing has changed since then.
If anything, my interest regarding Romania has increased greatly.

Oh, to be an unknown orphan of Romania.
Loved by no one save our Lord God.

Sometimes I feel so helpless.

... Is it awful to say that it's almost as if prayer does not suffice?

God-willing, my time to [physically] "do" something will come.

Until then, I place my trust in God to watch over His beautiful children, enabling my brothers and sisters to do what they can in order to help the abandoned and forgotten children of Romania.  And I ask that you would also keep Romania and her people in your thoughts and prayers.

May 5, 2011

Ch. 795 - The List: Overseas

I have never been overseas.
It seems that when people find this out they are somewhat surprised.

And you know what? Sometimes, I find myself surprised, too.

For I all too often think about a variety of oversea locations.

Dream, really.

So it's almost as if I have been to certain places.
To an extent.

So, yes, surprised.

I think also it's that I have such a great desire to be... there.
Another place.
A foreign land.
Civilized or uncharted, I want to go.

I simply do.

Sometimes I feel so out of place.
In 'this' place.
[A multitude of "here"s and "there"s.]

There are so many experiences waiting to be had.
I know there are places to see.
People to meet.
Things to touch.
Things to smell.
Things to taste.

I think you can live a full, satisfactory [if you will] life without ever having been overseas. ... But I don't want that life, necessarily. And yet I know that if, in the end, I don't end up ever stepping foot in an oversea country, I will not think of my life as incomplete.

May 1, 2011

Ch. 794 - The List: Missouri

Well... my post on Moberly, Missouri kind of stole the thunder for this post, huh? I really don't have much to say, but it is on 'The List' and so I figure I might as well give it a bit of time.

I do enjoy Missouri. I really do. One of my favorite "things" is the drive between home (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) and Moberly - especially after I cross into Missouri. Like Iowa, the state has its own beauty and I appreciate it throughout the different times of year. ... Yes, even during the winter.

I've only spent time in four places in Missouri over the past three years while at school. Moberly, of course. Columbia. St. Louis. And Kansas City. I don't have a favorite place, per se, but I do like Kansas City quite a bit more than the other places, I think.

Fun fact: Did you know that Kansas City, Columbia, and St. Louis are refugee cities? Refugees from all over the world are placed in these cities and given government-owned places to live and whatnot for a few months until the people are able to really get onto their feet and help themselves.

I think Missouri has a lot to offer. From those refugee cities to multiple higher education opportunities, and from many recreation and vacation spots to concert halls and museums... it seems that anyone can go to Missouri and find something pleasing or beneficial to them specifically.