April 17, 2010

Ch. 688 - Transition Preparation

It's getting to be that time of year again...
School's out in less than a month.
[Twelve days of class. Three days of finals.]

I'm stoked.
I can't wait for summer break.
At the same time, part of me wants to just stay in school without long breaks so that I can be finished earlier. Oh well.

Anyway, these next four weeks are going to be the most difficult weeks of the whole school year. I must focus. Want to know the crazy part? I'm not even talking about focusing in regards to academics. Awesome, huh? That's right, I'm talking about focusing on something even more important: Jesuuuuuus. This is a very critical time. If you're not staying on the path in your walk with God before summer... well... it's just not good. Even here at Bible college... "surrounded" by fellow believers, a community - it can be difficult to be strong in your walk. Spending time with God is a total necessity, yet it gets blown off day after day.



I don't care if it's required or not. If you're not doing these things now, with accountability and support from brothers and sisters in Christ all around you, it could possibly be darn hard to do these things when at home... where you may have few to zero family members or friends who are believers. So really, we need to not only be working hard up until the last day of school academically, but also in the strengthening of our obedience, discipline, etc. We really should have a 'now or never' mindset, in my opinion, continually.

God may not need us, but man oh man do we need Him.

'As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do...'
[1 Peter 1:14-15]

1 comment:

PaisleyJade said...

Good on you! The years go by so fast so make the most of it!!