August 29, 2009

Ch. 499 - For Christ

On my drive home yesterday I had a lot of time to think. One of my predominant thoughts was on suffering. I came to the conclusion that it pains me to say that I have not, in fact, suffered for Christ. That may seem weird. I mean, who wants to suffer, right? But if there's one thing I feel that I deserve, it's exactly that. I am not inherently good. I am broken. I am with fault. I lie. I judge. I envy. I am a sinner. So in my mind, I "deserve" to suffer, in a sense.

Yet even with all of my shortcomings I am loved by my Father and His Son... and I love Them in return. Jesus was crucified on a cross for me. He has suffered more than I ever have by carrying the sins of the world on His shoulders. But what have I done for Christ?


Even out of my extreme love and adoration of Him, I have not brought anything upon myself. Do I really love and adore Him as much as I think I do?

I don't sacrifice anything of myself for Him. And as much as I want to tell others about Christ and just put myself out there for others, I have had little experience in doing so and truly believe that thus, I have yet to suffer in any way, shape, or form. Christianity may be a persecuted religion, but as a member of the body of Christ I have not felt that arm of social injustice as of yet. For all I know I may suffer immensely in the years to come as I give myself to Christ all the more as His servant. But for now, I will remain in my sheltered, ignorant, bubble of bliss here at Central Christian College of the Bible in Moberly, Missouri. I will sit and do my homework and fulfill my required service hours like the good Christian student that I am. Complacent and comfortable, compliant and complaisant.

... Right?


If I don't start becoming bold in my faith, speaking out in Christ's name, or giving glory to God for all things said and done right here and right now, then when will I?
In a week?
A month?
A year?
Five, ten years?


Christ suffered for more than one reason.
But those reasons do not include 'so that Natalie can just chill at Bible college while learning to be an "authentic kingdom leader" but not apply herself while not on the field'.

Christ could come back tomorrow. He could come back in eleven minutes.

But what will I have done for His Kingdom?
Will He say to me, "Well done, good and faithful servant!"?
Or will He say instead, "I don't know you or where you come from. Away from me."?

I know which one I want to hear.
And if I get to suffer for Jesus Christ while serving His Father, then the Lord God will let it be so. I simply cannot be complacent and expect great things to happen in and by His name. I need to be willing to take chances. Risks. Be a rebel for Christ (cliché, I know).

God is good.
He offers us true life.
Living water.
What do we offer Him?
Our praises?
Our service?
Our own lives?

Or do we cast aside the thought that He deserves everything and more?

Today I was making cookies for some people. At one point I burnt my thumb while taking out a tray. I thought to myself, "Man. These cookies better be appreciated."

Do you think that as Christ hung on the cross He was thinking, "Man. All mankind better appreciate my doing this."?

...... Just a thought.

'If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.'
[2 Corinthians 5:13-14]

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