January 21, 2010

Ch. 627 - Hearts for God

I talked with a friend this afternoon. A good friend. I always enjoy talking with him. I learn something new every time we interact. And it's easy to see that God is working in and through him. He cares deeply for God and people, and I love hearing about his dreams and visions for the body of Christ. He and I both desire something great for our brothers and sisters, especially at school: change.

Now, I'm not going to pull an 'Obama' on you and go into a drawn-out albeit inspiring spiel on the fact that we need change and why and how it will happen and that we 'can' do it, etc.* But we do. Need it, I mean. And I think other people are finally beginning to realize that. The best part? They're taking action. Praise God!

One thing I'm excited about is the fact that I think many hearts are truly set on serving God and His people this semester. Something my friend said that I really appreciated was, "You can do good for God anywhere... if you have a heart for God." There's truth to this statement.

'Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.'
[Romans 12:11]

*Disclaimer: Ummm, to clarify... I have nothing against Obama. Also, I don't claim association with either political party. And I do believe that God has put President Obama into office for a reason. Just sayin'.

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