January 25, 2010

Ch. 631 - Sanctuary

I have this fascination with abandoned buildings. I don't know why. I simply do. They have a beauty to them within their ugliness. But they are empty. Useless. Once lived in or used for multiple purposes, they rot and come to shambles, falling apart. I think people can be the same way. And that is a heartbreaking realization. I pray that I never reflect those buildings that I love to look upon. I have great hope in this never happening, because of what my Lord God has done for me.

My sins have been paid for.
Death has no hold on me.
I have the indwelling Holy Spirit.

If I am obedient to Him, then I have no fear of becoming empty or useless.
I need to let Him fill me and use me, pouring me out unto others...
It will happen.

He loves me.

And I need not fear abandonment.

'Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?'
[1 Corinthians 6:19]

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