May 5, 2009

Ch. 417 - No Worries

Today I saw a friend come out of Pelfrey Hall crying. She had just attempted to take an Introduction to Philosophy final and didn't even get halfway through. She simply is not a good test-taker and no matter how much she prepares for tests, she just doesn't do well. She's figured out that she will basically fail the class and was pretty upset - and with good reason. I mean, failing a class isn't a good time for anyone... I didn't really know what to say. I just listened to her and asked her a few questions regarding discussing the situation with her professor and such. Before we went our separate ways, however, I ended up reminding her that grades are not everything.
You are not admitted into heaven based on your grade point average.
Grades don't affect your ministry.
They don't affect you as a person.
They don't affect your ability to grow closer to God.
At least... they shouldn't.

So here we go. I've said it before, I'll say it again. I am a very stress-free person. I don't worry about a whole lot. And that includes school.

Here's the thing. I'm worked my tail off all year. And I've excelled. I am passionate about what I'm learning and it makes learning so much more exciting and even somewhat easy, it seems. Now, I'm not going to lie. My relationship with God has suffered now and then because of my studies, I feel. There were times when I focused so much on schoolwork that I would not make any time for God. And that's not a good thing. Another thing, I procrastinate. I work well under pressure. I always get everything done on time, and it's not like I am completely careless and slap things together. My work is done in an orderly fashion; it's neat, thorough, and well-done, if I may so myself. It really is a source of pride for me. But it's a healthy pride, in my opinion. Anyway, the one thing I regret procrastinating on this year has been my word study paper for Hebrew.


I decided to do my word study on the word tabernacle.
I started doing my paper last night - two days before it's due - and I was getting nowhere. The word is just so absolute, you know? A tabernacle is a tabernacle. It's a dwelling place and that's it. It's most often found in Exodus of the Old Testament, when God is giving instructions how it should be constructed and whatnot. So I decided to change my word to mercy. It's more complex and definitely one of my favorite attributes of God and people. I figured it would be much more interesting. And it is! I started my paper around 5:30 this evening and spent a lot of time on it, because I really wanted to go in-depth and everything. I was starting to finish things up and needed a couple more sources. I was looking through the card catalog on a computer and ended up chatting with a girl who's in my Hebrew class. She was working on her paper, too, and mentioned something about lovingkindnesses. I froze. I asked her what her word is, even though I already knew. "Chesed," she answered. Chesed is my word. Oh boy. You see, chesed can be translated many ways. So we had the same base word, but I decided to go with mercy instead of lovingkindness, as she had. My teacher said that nobody in the class should be doing their studies on the same word.


And that's where I am right now. But I mean, I have basically finished the paper. I really don't want to start a new paper. So you know what? I'm not going to. My teacher can reprimand me all he wants and give me a bad grade - or no grade - and I've decided that I simply do not care. It's not a big deal. I'm going to pass the class, and if that's the one class I don't get an A in, it will not matter. God doesn't care if I get a B or even a C in Elementary Hebrew. And I don't plan on working on Hebrew translation in the future, anyway...

I'd much rather just be done with the paper and not stress about writing a new one. I'll be able to spend the time I would have spent writing the paper hanging out with God or something. I'd rather receive a bad grade on a stupid paper and get to spend time with my God than let grades become more important than my relationship with God. Granted this is a one-time ordeal, likely. But seriously.

I'm not saying that I'm going to stop trying and giving my best in all that I do. But I do need to remind myself now and then that I can take a break here and there. I can't let my studies take priority over knowing my Lord God. I wouldn't even be able to go to school or have the ability to do well in my classes if it weren't for Him.

Get it?
Got it.

'I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.'
[Psalm 3:5]

1 comment:

Jan said...

Finding our significance with the Lord is far more difficult for us than finding significance on this earth. Once we realize that God always sees us as we wish we could see ourselves, then we will increasingly seek his approval above all else.