December 29, 2009

Ch. 604 - Winter Cleaning

In God, there is no darkness. He wants to be the true light in our lives, protecting and guiding us. As that light, the Lord God sees and knows me. Even so, there's nothing wrong with asking God to investigate our lives. It's a bold request, really: 'Search me, O God, and know my heart...' [Psalm 139:23]. But it's a necessity that we often overlook, I think. By asking this of God, and wholeheartedly believing that He will do so, we would be more aware of all that He desires for us - as well as what we are doing that we shouldn't be.

'... know my heart...' Even though God knows it better than I, sometimes I wish He didn't. Because I don't feel it's something that should be known, if that makes sense.

Psalm 51:10 says, 'Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.'

How often do we truly desire to have a pure heart before God? Do we ever even think about it? Or perhaps we simply read this verse in our Bibles and think, 'Oh, that's nice. David's making up with God for having committed adultery with Bathsheba. Wow. What a "man after God's own heart." '

That's right he was a man after His heart... because God's heart is pure - we should be attempting to have the exact same thing. And I think the only way we can start to achieve that is through the full awareness that God looks at our hearts and judges us. If we aren't willing to listen to what He says based on His observations of our hearts, and do some housekeeping out of obedience, then we are nothing.

Out of love for God, listen to Him.
Clean up your act.
Get right.
Attempt to stand before Him with a pure heart.

'O Lord, open my lips,
and my mouth will declare your
You do not delight in sacrifice, or I
would bring it;
you do not take pleasure in burnt
The sacrifices of God are a broken
a broken and contrite heart,
O God, you will not despise.'
[Psalm 51:15-17]

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