February 5, 2010

Ch. 642 - In His Will

Lately I've been praying for God to reveal to me His will for my life... this might as well be the first time I've done so. What do I mean by that? Well, I have prayed this before... but I didn't truly care, and I don't know if I ever really believed that He would reveal His will. I suppose I thought that I would simply go through life in a trial-and-error format in order to see what He has in store for me. But I don't think that's really what God desires for us. That format wastes time... time we could be using to truly further His kingdom. So. I have been praying... a lot. And He has been responding... a lot. Almost daily, I receive something new. Praise God!


I simply so desperately want to be living in His will, and know His plans for me. And while I'm alright with not completely knowing these plans hour for hour, I do feel it's important to be praying about it.

I'm also desiring to have a better knowledge and understand of the gifts God has given me. I truly believe I need to develop these gifts with a faith-based strength, so that I will be able to use them in reaching out to the lost and giving God glory. He will enable me as He sees fit... I can hardly wait to see just how, exactly, He wants me to do for Him, using those gifts He has so graciously given me.

'I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.'
[Psalm 16:7]

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