February 18, 2010

Ch. 655 - Vessels

God and man.
Potter and clay.

I like this.
A lot.

Not to me.

We truly are like clay.
The transformation of clay into pots is involved.

The clay needs to be refined.
The removal of impurities takes time.
Water gives life to clay. Makes it pliable.
A solid base is given to each pot. Stability to build upon.
The clay is molded by hands into the form the potter desires.
No pot is the same, even though they all come from the ground.
If the pot is not coming along the way the potter imagined, the potter will break it down and start anew. There is no hurry. Even though no pot turns out to be perfect, each is perfect in the eyes of the potter.

Each pot is unique.

But they are made to be used.
Poured out.
Poured out.

Be thankful that you do not sit on a shelf as a dry, decorated vessel.
For what good is a pot that remains empty and still all of its days?

' "O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?" declares the Lord. "Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel." '
[Jeremiah 18:6]

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