September 9, 2009

Ch. 509 - Behind the Line

We look and hear… but do we see and listen? We try to understand things to the best of our ability – but we can’t even begin to truly understand without the Spirit. Jesus spoke in parables for a reason. In a sense, I think He was “weeding” people out. If we’re not truly seeking Him or striving to know Him more or learn about Him, it’s like He doesn’t want us. I mean, He does… but as all relationships are, it’s a two-way street. He’s done His part. We have to do ours. But our relationships with God will not amount to anything if we only go about it halfheartedly. He has given us everything. Existence. Truth. His Son. The gift of eternity. LIFE. These things alone are more than enticing, if you will, but nothing’s ever good enough for us. We are a demanding people; we constantly want more, more, more. Yet God doesn’t demand a lot from us. He commands that we love Him, and love others.

“Easier said than done.”
... Is it really?
Or do we want to make it more difficult for ourselves than it truly is?

"God knows how great He is... why does He need me to remind Him?"
Fine. You're right - I mean, He is God...

That's just being lazy, for goodness' sake.

Where is the line that we find ourselves crossing again and again? And how do we discipline ourselves to stop short of crossing it? Does it merely take time? What do we need to be asking God to teach us?

Self-control... faithfulness... it seems so cliché, but I think we need to continually be asking for and learning the fruits of the Spirit and living our lives by them. Because the more we do so, the nearer to God we will draw, and the more we will stop crossing that line. We will find ourselves wanting an authentic relationship with Christ. We will want to be with God and give Him our all constantly.

'I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.'
[Ephesians 1:17]

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