February 22, 2009

Ch. 345 - Gimme

Want, want, want.
Need, need, need.
More, more, more.

Simple words.

But simple words can mean so much more than we intend.

If we mean what we say and say what we mean and expect follow-through with what we are after, our desires and expectations can affect us immensely. Those desires and expectations can quickly multiply and darken and soon things will get out of hand.


Our focus is rarely where it should be.

This fact worsens when we become centered on self.

We should give.
We should want less.
We should focus on others' needs.

I look around my rooms both at school and home and see stuff. I have so much - too much, it seems - and sometimes it is actually overwhelming. Do I really need 'x' number of purses? Or seven, blank journals? Or that lamp that I never use? Or that blanket that has sat on my closet shelf for numerous years? Or this sweater, or that scarf, or these mittens, or those shoes? The answer is no. Plain and simple. Jesus said to drop everything and follow Him. Leave everything. Everyone. If that's one more step towards discipleship, might as well give away what may be of good use or great need to others.

' "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed him.'
[Matthew 4:19-20]

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