April 9, 2009

Ch. 391 - His Love is Constant

'You can’t hurry love.
No, you just have to wait.'

These are lines from Diana Ross’ song, You Can’t Hurry Love.

I heard it at a restaurant where I was eating dinner with my grandparents and my cousin, Christopher, after attending a Maundy Thursday service at my grandparents’ church. I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this song throughout my life. I like it a lot, it’s pretty catchy and I like Diana Ross’ voice. It’s one of those songs of which the lyrics are simple and repetitive, but sweet. It’s one of those songs that easily becomes stuck in your head… and it’s one of those songs that really just won’t ever get old. It’s a classic, in a sense. Anyway, for whatever reason, the two lines I wrote above really stuck out to me. The first time I heard them tonight, I thought, ‘That’s not true.’ In the sense that Ross meant it, it is true, yes. But what I thought of first was God’s love. His love is constant. It can't be waited for. It can’t even be instantaneous – for anyone – because He has always loved and always will. It may take some waiting on His end for us to love Him, but that’s only because we’re foolish humans who can’t even comprehend what true love is.

I’m so thankful for that love which is mine.
It’s a love that I don’t have to hurry because I will have it for all time.
It’s a love that I don’t have to wait for.

Praise God for His love.

' "I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them." '
[John 17:26]

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