April 28, 2009

Ch. 410 - One God

God keeps reminding me that there is no God but God. There is nothing else and no one else like Him. He is Everything and more to all whose minds and hearts turn to Him. I love simplistic reminders such as this. It's the most basic of things that we seem to look over or forget about as time passes.

There is no God but God.
He is good all the time.
He wants a relationship.
He lives in my heart.
He created me.
He loves me.

I don't know why this has been on my mind lately, but it has and so I'm going to go with it. Perhaps it's because I only have three days of classes left and I'm ready to be out of school-mode, but... who cares that the word "propitiation" is a fancy way of saying that Jesus Christ satisfied, or fulfilled, God's wrath by dying on the cross? Alright, so Jesus was an atoning sacrifice for mankind's sins. I'm thankful for what He did for us; I think about that every day. I mean, I owe my life - my true life - to what He did. It's no surprise that the sacrifice of God's Son is something I think about every day. But how often do I think about the fact that God gives me every breath I take? And how often do I think about the people of the world and how they are God's lost children? He is the One God to all... even though not everybody knows this.

Don't push aside thoughts that you think are menial. Don't make whatever God is trying to tell you seem of little importance. Chances are, you need to be reminded of whatever it is that He is reaching out to you with.

So let me say it again:
There is no God but God.

' "O Lord, God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven above or on earth below - you who keep your covenant of love with your servants who continue wholeheartedly in your way." '
[1 Kings 8:23]

' "This is what the Lord says - Israel's King and Redeemer, the Lord Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God." '
[Isaiah 44:6]

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