November 9, 2008

Ch. 240 - In Good Spirits

Things happen for a reason. And as difficult as that may be to fully comprehend, it's true. It's even more difficult to embrace what life throws at you (sometimes literally...). But knowing that God is fully in control somehow makes all situations seem that much easier to swallow and digest. So it is with a light heart that I say to stay positive, keep your head up, and embrace things as they are. We can't turn back time. We can't control the past or the future. What happens, happens. And everything is part of God's great plan. So why worry? Why stress? There's no need to do so.

Give it all to God.
Don't look back.

'The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made. The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down.'
[Psalm 145:14]

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