November 13, 2008

Ch. 244 - Small Answers Matter

I've had a great day - and it all started with a text message at 5:47 this morning. It's strange to think how a simple text message can put your day into motion with happiness and excitement. This message was from someone whom I care about greatly and love very much. Unfortunately, we've both been kind of cut out from each other's lives. It's really sad, honestly. Now, I can't say I know this friend's heart; I don't know where he is with God. But I've been praying for him for a good year now about his relationship with Christ... and more recently about our friendship and contact. So this text message was, in a way, an answer to prayer. It was a small answer - but it was a small answer to an awfully big prayer. It just goes to show how greatly God works in our lives and how small, simple things can build up our faith in Him.

'I will turn their mourning into gladness, I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.'
[Jeremiah 31:13]

Awww yeah. Taking the Bible out of context, one verse at a time.
It's how I do.

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