January 21, 2008

Ch. 5 - The Commitment; 7. 1. 08

Have you ever 'walked on Cloud Nine' before? You know, been sort of... out of it... because you're in a state of pure happiness?

I have.

It's a wondrous experience. The best part is, my walking on Cloud Nine was a product of the Spirit moving in my heart like never before. And that, folks, is a double whammy if I've ever known one. The Spirit... Cloud Nine... beautiful.

When I say the Spirit moved in my heart like never before, I mean it. I'll tell you a secret: I thought I was having a heart attack - when I suddenly thought, "Oh wait. Just kidding. That's God... thanks, Big Guy!"

Let me break it down a bit. I've been thinking for the past couple months or so that I simply want to serve the Lord for the rest of my life. Yet it never really seemed as if it was something I had to do, if that makes sense. I believe we are called to be sacrificial servants, but it's truly up to you how far you will go in doing so. I had been reading a devotional sent to me through Purpose Driven Life; I had sort of already read it, because it was sent on December 31, but I had skimmed through it more than anything. It was basically a call to commitment to God - to serving Him and doing His will. The second paragraph was what made the Spirit move in my heart - it was as if the Spirit was jumping for joy, really. Anyway, it says this:

'I will live the rest of my life serving God's purposes with God's people on God's planet for God's glory. I will use my life to celebrate His presence, cultivate His character, participate in His family, demonstrate His love, and communicate His word.'

I feel God was saying, "Hey - pay attention, here. This is what I want from you."

I know those are things He wants from all of us, but to me it has a deeper sense of meaning. I say this because recently I've been thinking and praying about exactly that - what God wants of me. I think it's safer than ever to say that God answers prayers.

'But your hearts must be fully committed to the Lord our God, to live by his decrees and obey his commands, as at this time.'
[1 Kings 8:61]

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