January 31, 2008

Ch. 15 - Home

I'm home.

My heart is here. It's with the people I've met and have become friends with. It's with Cru. It's with The Mount. It's with my small groups and leaders. I've put in quite a bit of time, effort, and love into all I've done. I'm establishing connections and have already started to grow roots here and there.

I'm staying.

Until God entirely tells me differently, Salt Lake City will have to put up with me.

I need to mature a bit before I go off on another adventure. I can't just pick up my things, move back halfway across the country, and start a new life all over again.

I want to grow in my faith more before I see whether a 'religious vocation' is what God wants of me. It's what I want, yes. But God? That's quite iffy, I've decided. Even if it is, I'd rather go into it all more prepared than I would be if I were to start next year.

I praise God for teaching me patience and decisiveness.

'Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.'
[Romans 12:12]

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