March 4, 2009

Ch. 355 - As the Deer

'As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.'
[Psalm 42:1]

Kind of makes you think, doesn't it?

I think this is a beautiful verse. Psalm 42 in general is somewhat spellbinding. I mean, it's a supplication to God. The author (who is unknown) has been to the House of God in Jerusalem before. He led the procession, giving shouts of joy and thanksgiving. Unfortunately, he isn't allowed to go back anymore. He is asking when he can go and meet with God.


What an awful thought.

To have to 'go' somewhere to meet with your God.
How fortunate I am to have God's presence with me always. He is with me now and forever and I can "meet" Him whenever and wherever I please.


Anyway, the author is lamenting the fact that he is, in fact, not allowed to meet with God. He then asks himself, 'Why are you downcast, O my soul?' [verse 5] He realizes, however, that he can continue to put his trust and hope in God and praise Him.

Yet he goes on to say that he has questioned God, for He has supposedly forgotten him. He mourns because he is being oppressed and taunted. Even so, he stresses the fact that he will praise God - Whom he calls his Savior.

Returning to the beginning of the psalm... he longs for God. His "soul thirsts for God, for the living God." [verse 2] Surely he remembers what it was like when he was allowed to go to the Lord's House and meet with Him. That's what he wants once again.
To feel God.
To know Him.
To see His beauty.
His grace. His mercy. His justice.

His soul pants for God.

'As the deer pants for streams of water.'

Water is an essential of life. You cannot survive without it. It is the same with our Lord God. He is not merely an essential of life, however. He is essential to life. You cannot live without Him. You were created by Him. You are known by Him. And if we are to have eternal life with Him, we must know Him. We should be as the deer... panting, in dire need of the living water, which comes only from our God because of His love for us.

I am so thankful that my God never forgets me... even if, at times, I feel like He does.
But I am human.
I can only reach so far.
God is big.
And His love is unconditional.
It's because of this love that my soul does long for Him.

I love that I will always be able to praise God and put my trust in Him, no matter my situation or whereabouts in this small, finite world.

Praise God.

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