March 21, 2009

Ch. 372 - Justice for All?

Something my mom said to me a couple weeks ago has really been making me think. It's one of those things that I wouldn't have noticed or been able to tell you until it was pointed out to me. Apparently, I've always been one for justice. Equality. I like people to be treated fairly. Righteously.

We are all the same in God's eyes; no one is better than another. My sins are no less than that of the murderer, rapist, or thief. But when it comes to treating people like they are sub-human based on their intelligence, gender, home life background, what they say, what they do, their level of so-called "normality", etc... I can become pretty upset. When someone is singled out - especially when they aren't even aware that it is happening - in a mean or unjust manner, something inside me just wells up and I feel either immensely sad or infuriated. I want to stand up and scream, you know? Or at the very least say something to the perpetrator... but I rarely have the courage to say anything. It's when the Holy Spirit encourages me that I dare do anything. But even then, what good are my words? What can I do to help? I feel as if I am powerless. There are so many people in this world who are attacked on a daily basis.

It happens in the United States of America.
It happens in Missouri.
It happens in Moberly.
It even happens in classrooms at Central Christian College of the Bible.

People are not good enough.
People are stupid.
People are nuisances.
People are worthless.
People are not loved.

They are lied to every day.
And that is not right.
That is not fair.

'But let justice roll down like waters
And righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.'
[Amos 5:24, NASB]

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