March 27, 2009

Ch. 378 - More than Willing

I am willing to go.
Am I ready?
But I am willing.

My life does not matter.

It does not matter.

I know God.
I love God.
God knows me.
God loves me.

And I am glad.

But there are multitudes of people who do not know God. Who do not know of His love, or His Son. They know of this life, and that's it. Perhaps all they know is hatred. Or persecution. Or anger. Or hurt.

That is not right.

That is not how God intended for it to be.

And these people are dying and going to hell.

Maybe they're searching for something more.
For something that can take away hatred and hurt.
For something that can save them.

But they can't find it.
They don't know what that "something" is.

I have love for people I don't even know. My heart breaks for these people. So I can't even begin to imagine how God must feel. After all, they were created by Him.

How much longer can I stand to not be an active messenger of the Good News?

'The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.'
[2 Peter 3:9]

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