January 12, 2009

Ch. 304 - Light as a Feather

I am doing my best to think before I speak nowadays. I think it's important to do so. Yet sometimes I find myself just talking and talking without thinking.

At times like these, I usually find myself thinking one of two things, either: 1) '... Did I really just say that? I don't believe myself.'; or 2) 'Wow - that actually makes sense. Way to be totally legit, Natalie.' However, there is one time when I don't think before I speak and don't know what to think afterward. I'm so dumbfounded or stricken with awe that my mind simply goes blank and my tongue is silenced. This has not happened but a handful of times. These are the times when I feel that I do not do the talking, but instead the Holy Spirit does. It's like God just completely takes over and I don't know I would ever say what I end up saying. I hope that makes sense. The times it has happened I have been in intercessory prayers with a friend and simply talking to others. And I definitely didn't realize it was the Holy Spirit until after the prayers and conversations. I feel that God really works for the best in these situations, as tough or awkward as they may seem at the time. The situations I've experienced when this has happened included words of comfort, confession, or encouragement. Looking back, I have realized that in every situation I ended up growing in some way and that my faith was really strengthened. It sure is interesting how God reaches out at times. Sometimes it takes some pretty deep measures to wake you up, get you over an obstacle, or lift a weight that you've been carrying around for awhile. The Holy Spirit also works in interesting ways through prayer and the fact that He can speak for us when we cannot or do not know what to say. God constantly knows our needs and our thoughts. Times of prayer when He seems all the more with you and speaks for you are beautiful reminders of His love for you. We are His children and He truly cares for us.

'In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.'
[Romans 8:26-27]

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