June 14, 2008

Ch. 101 - One-Hundred-Two

Not that it truly matters, but this is blog post number 102. I know it says Ch. 101, but my very first post was a 'Preface'.

I'm bringing up this number because I think it's neat to look back on those 102 days and see how God has worked in my life. 102 days of living life as a Jesus-lover. Well. Actually... more like 101 days... because there are 30 posts for February... ? Anyway! Some days certainly seem or feel like they are more God-filled than others, but either way I know that He is with me always, through every day. Through every high. Through every low. And that's what truly matters.

Besides. Quality over quantity, right?

' "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." '
[Deuteronomy 31:8]

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