June 15, 2008

Ch. 102 - Faaather

I like to call my dad 'father' sometimes. For example, I'll greet him when he comes in the door from work with a simple "Hello father," and he'll respond with "Hello daughter."

I like this.

Mostly I just call him dad, though. I've never been one to call him 'daddy'. He keeps saying that when my sister has her baby and he becomes a 'Grandaddy' or a 'Papa' that he will be called 'Grandfather.' And not just 'grandfather' - but 'grandfaaather' with a slight English accent. He can be so silly sometimes, I don't know what to do with him!

My dad's a great guy. At times he's a man of few words, but he makes them count. He's quiet. Not shy, really. Just quiet. And gentle! Yet he's not a gentle giant, exactly. I mean, he's not imposing, but he's not meek either. I think one of the things I like most about my dad is that he makes you feel comfortable when you're around him. There's something about his presence that makes you feel at home, wherever you are.

He always wants what is best for you, and only you. He cares for your well-being. I know that he will do anything to ensure our family's health, safety, security, and happiness.

'Father' is very intelligent. He's got one of those math and science brains that I would kill to have a piece of, but he's creative, too. He's got a good job at Rockwell Collins, but I worry about him sometimes because I think he's taken advantage of. He's dependable. Reliable. Quick-thinking. Hard-working. A problem-solver. In short, he'll get the job done, whatever the assignment is, and he'll get it done really well.

This world - and especially Rockwell Collins - could use more Kevin Keenes, that's for sure.

My dad has a beautiful heart and a good head on his shoulders. He is a man of integrity. He's down-to-earth, humble, patient, and a good servant and disciple of Christ. I am so lucky to have him in my life.

'Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.'
[Ephesians 6:4]

I believe my dad has done this and I am thankful for all he has done in his 19 years of raising me.

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