June 20, 2008

Ch. 107 - Chchchanges

I'm writing "today's" post at 11:30 on Saturday. This isn't the first time I've written the day's post a day or two late, especially within the last couple of weeks. You know, sometimes it's because by the time I sit down to write a post, it's kind of late and I find myself practically falling asleep at the keys. But I like writing later in the evening, because by then I've gone through the entire day and have had time to reflect on the day and its happenings - or lack thereof.

And sometimes, I'm just too darn lazy to write anything.

However, lately I've found that I'm just not, well, inspired. As horrible as that may sound, it's kind of true. I don't mean that something amazing has to happen each day in able for me to see God in my life. But when you're not in the midst of realizing how things are completely changing for you... and when you're not surrounded by "Hot-God-Men" and "Hot-God-Women" [see Chapter 10]... and when you're not truly focusing on God... it's easy to see how it's becoming more difficult to see Him and know Him and feel Him and hear Him and learn about Him.

I have no one to blame but myself.

'I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.'
[Proverbs 8:17]

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