June 5, 2008

Ch. 92 - Mutti

I call my mom Mutti, which I picked up in German class a few years ago during high school. And it works, seeing how she's lived in Germany and became quite fluent and such. I wish I had stuck with the German, but no matter.

As I speak - er, type - Mutti is driving to Utah to pick me up and bring all of my belongings back to Iowa for the summer. She should be here in a couple of hours, actually. I am more grateful for her willingness to do this than you can imagine. I can't wait to see her. It's been five months today since I've seen Mutti and trust me when I say it's been too long. And to think that I was about to go until mid-October without seeing her or the rest of my family... unbelievable.

Lame or cliché as it may sound, I'm glad Mutti is my mom.

We're pretty close, and getting closer all the more. I believe we think alike and that our personalities are similar. We look a lot alike, too! I'm glad, because I think my mom is beautiful. She has an amazing heart, spirit and mind. She's a people person. I don't think there's anyone in this world that dislikes my mom. If there is, they are crazy. Ok, so I may be a little biased, but I honestly can say that people simply like my mom. And with good reason.

Sometimes I don't think she gives herself enough credit. She's done a lot of good for a lot of people, probably without realizing it. She didn't work for years at a time because she was raising three kids - a job in itself. And I think she did a wonderful job, if I may say so myself. I mean, it's not like Jessica, Wesley and I were perfect kids or are perfect people, but that can't be a reflection of how my mom (and dad!) raised us, because we're human.

But we really were good kids, and of course I like to think that we still are. We love our parents very, very much and we're a pretty close family.

I can't express how thankful I am that God has blessed my family in the numerous ways He has. And Mutti is an amazing woman and a beautiful disciple of Christ.

' For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.'
[Psalm 139:13]

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