June 12, 2008

Ch. 99 - St. Paul's UMC

The church I attend here in Cedar Rapids, Iowa is St. Paul's United Methodist Church.

I'm not going to lie and say that it's the perfect church.
Because it's not.
Or that we have a perfect congregation.
Truth be told, it's an "old" congregation.
Or that we have a perfect sanctuary.
The stained glass windows were put in upside-down.
Or that we have a perfect choir.
An "old" congregation means "old" voices.
Or that we have a perfect youth program.
There's not often a stable group of kids.
Or that we're situated in a perfect neighborhood.
St. Paul's has had to lock its doors to keep people out.

There are more, but why go on? It's these little things - these supposed flaws, if that's what you want to call them - that make St. Paul's what it is. And I'm coming to realize more and more how much I love St. Paul's.

Who cares if many of its members are 65+ years old?
Does that make St. Paul's any less worthy of my prayers, my presence, my gifts, or my service?

The church's motto is "To know and follow Christ, and to help others know and follow Christ."
And that is what I need to be focusing on.
Not how many kids are - or are not - in the youth program.
Nor how funny the social hall often smells.
Nor how ugly I think the color of the walls in rooms 101 and 103 are being painted.

Because I will always be able to find things to complain about.
That's easy.
But none of that matters.
What does matter is how I can help St. Paul's grow and serve in such ways that will better our neighborhood, community and the world we live in.
And while that's more difficult than complaining, it's the right thing to do - for everyone.

'Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.'
[Psalm 143:10]

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