June 17, 2008

Ch. 104 - Peace and Unity

'How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!'
[Psalm 133:1]

'Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.'
[Hebrews 12:14]

7. May 2010 Edit:

I appreciate these verses more when they are put together. I have come to gain the personal view that there cannot be true unity without peace. But I do think that you can have peace without unity. Which really is a shame, because disunity can do so much harm to a person or people, a place, an idea or dream... But God wants each of these things for us. He could make them happen in an instant, if He truly so desired. But what good would that do us? Would we learn anything? That is, other than our God is mighty and entirely reigns over us... ? I simply don't think that we would truly appreciate being in peace and unity, because we would not have entirely worked for it ourselves. Granted, God would help us along the way, but by just restructuring everything in an instant to attain these things would not be completely wonderful.

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