July 3, 2008

Ch. 120 - Mmmmmmemorize!

I feel I've read so many Bible verses so many times - but I have practically no verses memorized. I want to change this. I mean, I can recall where in the Bible certain verses are that have to do with whatever, or tell a certain story, but I really don't have many specific verses that I can readily pull from memory.

So I've decided to make Thursday my 'Bible Verse Memorization' day.

This week's memory verse:

'I can do everything through him who gives me strength.'
[Philippians 4:13]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great idea. One of the things that was stressed to us on summer project is memorizing verses especially for sharing our faith when people have questions.

I definitely fall into the same boat of not having much committed to memory and so I am trying to change that this summer.