July 27, 2008

Ch. 144 - Author of Salvation

Our God can do anything. He can move mountains. He can conquer the grave. He can save.

People argue that Christians belittle God by saying that He is merciful and just and forgiving and gracious and loving - all these things and more - to all people, sinners and saints alike. They say that this is giving God human characteristics, and humans aren't perfect, but God is. He is almighty.

But weren't we created in His image? They believe that God is there, that He is the Creator. So if He created us, how could He have human characteristics? And I'm not saying that we, as humans, are anything like God in His powerfully omnipotent and amazingly omniscient perfection. We aren't gods, we will never be gods or even truly like God.

But because God is merciful to us, we can show mercy. Because God is just, we can be just. Because God is forgiving, we can forgive. Because God shows grace to us, we can be gracious. Because God loves us, we can love. And He has given us the perfect example of how to do and be these things in His Son, Jesus Christ.

Is it really such a complicated concept that is difficult to understand, but not for me because that's what I've been taught all my life? It just all seems so simple to me.

My heart aches for those who have never heard about Jesus, as well as those who have but have rejected Him as their Savior.

'We love because he first loved us.'
[1 John 4:19]

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