July 1, 2008

Ch. 118 - The Name Game

I've had a great fascination with names for the past year or so. Name meanings, origins, etc. I used to not like my [first] name. I didn't care about what it meant, even if other people (namely my parents) thought it was interesting. I was always mad that it didn't mean something cool - as a descriptive meaning, that is. Like, 'sweet' or 'adventurous' or something. I liked names that people could 'live up to', if that makes sense. So obviously, if your name did indeed mean 'adventurous', you could grow up to be adventurous and everything that goes with it. Daring. Bold. Courageous.

But me? That doesn't really work. Natalie comes from the Latin phrase 'natale domini', which means 'day of our Lord' or 'day of the Christ' - so basically 'Christmas'. Now that I've been born again and really have a true appreciation for being saved by Jesus Christ and have a relationship with Him, it means more to me. But I can specifically recall one point in time thinking, "What kind of a name is Natalie anyway? Christmas is just a holiday for greed and gluttony. I wish I was named something else." I wouldn't change my name for anything, now. I love it.

Honestly, my name actually gives me comfort and strength when I'm not feeling too great. It may seem weird, but when I simply say or think my name and what it means, it helps me think of my Savior and the God who sent Him to us. And how great He is. I find it interesting to think how my own name can bring me such comfort and happiness by thinking about its meaning. Our God is so, so good.

'I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.'
[Psalm 139:14]

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