July 28, 2008

Ch. 145 - Fear

I hope this isn't taken as a prideful or boastful thing to say... but today I realized that I truly don't have any fears. Do you know how comforting that is to know about yourself? That may sound strange, but honestly, it's true. And what good does it do to fear things of this world? To fear thought or knowledge, beast or man?

I suppose that's what I mean by 'I truly don't have any fears.' That I'm not afraid of anything. I think the only 'fear' I have is that of fearing God. But I'm not afraid of Him. To fear God is to fear the judgment of God. I think to fear God is to have reverence and awe for Him... I think that's in a psalm somewhere...


This is my story. And at least in this chapter, I'm the most fearless person there is. Oh goodness. I can't skip around it anymore. If that's not pride talking, I don't know what is! Forgive me. Perhaps I'm at the point where I could say 'I have nothing to fear but fear itself.'

'Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere him.'
[Psalm 33:8]

'The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?'
[Psalm 118:6]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! It's awesome to feel that way, to fear nothing! Sometimes I feel like that too, and it always helps me to remember that God is constant and that no matter what happens, he is there! I'm glad God is working like that in your life Natalie!