July 11, 2008

Ch. 128 - Repeating Kindergarten

Do you remember the first days of school? Especially kindergarten - because you were at long last going to go to 'regular' school with the big kids. I certainly remember those days. Getting to finally ride the school bus as a fellow big kid was, by far, one of the highlights of 1994-95.

Last year was just like kindergarten. Getting to go to college with 'the big kids' was a huge deal. I knew that my freshman year of college was going to be absolutely grand, and once it was over... it was over. I'd be well into the brand new start. Sophomore year would come and go. I'd be settled. Familiar. Junior year would come and go. Really get into my major's coursework. Internships. Study abroad. And then I would practically stumble into senior year, tripping over the excitement of almost being done. That'd be it. I'd graduate. I'd go off and do, well, whatever.

For the last time, I'm getting the chance to start anew once again. I'll be a freshman. Again. For the third time, technically. New school. New major. New faces. New classes. I'm getting a brand new start. And I'm more grateful for it than you can imagine!

I bring this all up because today I was finally granted access to the student portal of CCCB (Central Christian College of the Bible). I browsed around a bit and saw that I could get started on an unofficial class registration, so I did just that. I pre-registered for my fall classes and let me tell you, I am now even more excited to head off to Moberly in August!

Life of Christ I
Christian Discipleship
Survey of Pentateuch
Foundations of Christianity
World Geography
SALT: Information [Service And Leadership Training]

Seriously. Best. classes. ever. These are the types of classes I've been waiting to take all my life. I just didn't know it until this past year. ! Kind of funny how these things work out, huh?


' "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." '
[Matthew 7:7-8]

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