December 8, 2008

Ch. 269 - Let it Rain

Yesterday a friend helped me finally realize just how okay it is to not be on top of things, even in your relationship with God. There is no possible way that our relationship with Him is always going to be tip-top, anyway. I'm not saying that you should not strive for it to be, but it is very unlikely that you're always going to be happy where you are with God. You can't have those "God-highs" all the time, you know?

There will be times you're going to be disciplined by God.
There will be times you're going to be attacked by Satan.
There will be times you're going to be far from God.

Seek Him anyway.

You're going to have trials and tribulations.
You're going to have fears and doubts.
You're going to have frustration and sadness.

Share it with Him.

I received some great encouragement from this friend and he really helped me have a more positive attitude and outlook about an issue I am constantly struggling with. I didn't know how much I needed to hear exactly what he said until he did... and I am entirely thankful that God had that beautiful, five-minute conversation planned for us.

'Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.'
[1 Chronicles 16:11]

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