March 12, 2008

Ch. 56 - Tree hugger? Not quite.

Each month our RA designs a bulletin board on our floor for either entertainment or educational purposes - sometimes combining the two. This month the bulletin board centers around individual's personalities based on when they were born - dates of birth are designated certain trees.

I am a poplar tree.

Not to be confused with popular... poplar.

People born between May 1 and May 14 are poplar trees. Apparently, these people tend to:

- look very decorative
- not be very self-confident
- be courageous only if necessary
- need goodwill and pleasant surroundings
- be very choosy
- be lonely often
- have great animosity
- have artistic natures
- be good organizers
- lean toward philosophy
- be reliable in any situation
- take partnership seriously

I would say these characteristics describe me very accurately. I'm not exactly sure about the looking very decorative, though... hm.

The funny thing is, I wouldn't have mentioned most of them to someone if they had come up to me and said, "Describe yourself."

The ones I would have used I bolded. It's just neat to see that once certain characteristics are presented to me I find that they do fit me, even though I wouldn't have thought of them in the first place... or even though I wish they weren't true.

But God made me as I am and I'm happy with knowing that.

Continuing with the tree theme...

'Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit.'
[Matthew 12:33]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bulletin boards are the one thing I like about being an RA. This month I did mine on evolution in hopes of sparking spiritual conversations with my residents. Needless to say it did spark a small one last night. Praise God!