September 17, 2008

Ch. 190 - Created For a Reason

Sometimes it's really difficult for me to see myself as God's creation. Personally, I have no problem looking around me and knowing that God created all that I see - in regards to both the world and people. But when I look at myself, I just can't always believe that I am a child of God. Those typical questions run through my mind: 'Why would God want anything to do with me? How can God love me? What would God want to use me for?'

God knows me better than I do; He knows who I will become. I mean, people change. We are not consistent beings. Minds change. Hearts change. We can't evaluate ourselves once or twice and simply be done forever. Day-to-day evaluation or reflection is neat because it gives us a better sense of ourselves and how God is working in us. And I can't always be asking myself those questions mentioned above, because I don't want to bring myself down. I simply need to remind myself that yes, God created me. Yes, God loves me. Yes, God has a plan for me.

'For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rules or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.'
[Colossians 1:16]

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