September 11, 2008

Ch. 184 - Taking the Time

I have not written for one week.

That's a long time.

The pace for school has heavily increased and I find myself not wanting to wind down and think about the day, but instead wanting to simply crawl into bed - and often later than I would like to be going to bed... much later. Don't get me wrong, I'm actually enjoying studying and working on my assignments and everything. It's just that there's so much to do in so little time. And I haven't even started basketball practice. Or musical rehearsals. Or regularly volunteering.

The worst part of it all is that I have been spending so much time learning about God and the Bible and faith in class that I haven't been spending time doing personal devotions or reading my Bible for my own pleasure and benefit. I talk to God a few times a day and that's about it. But today I spent a good hour and a half reading and reflecting and truly spending time with my God. Let me tell you... I got about three hours of sleep this morning because I was up studying for a Life of Christ test (which, of course, turned out to be incredibly easier than expected and cut in half question-wise). I was tired. I couldn't focus on anything. I couldn't think clearly. My head hurt. My eyes hurt. And it was a rainy morning. Ugh! But after I sat down and truly gave my time to God, I returned to classes with a renewed energy and felt more rested than I have in a long time. Oh, trust me: I'm still very tired. But I feel like my soul is more rested; I think that's really important.

I can't pour myself into anything and everything without asking God to pour Himself into me from time to time.

'Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.'
[Psalm 143:8]

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