October 7, 2008

Ch. 211 - An Encouraging Day

I didn't get any sleep last night. I was busy not studying for LOC and writing papers for Foundations. Not bad, really. But I really was very tired. I started the day at a low, went up to a nice high where I thought everything was funny, then crashed back down to another low. I'm not going to lie, I definitely had a difficult time staying awake in my classes. I did the best I could, scout's honor! I am never pulling an all-nighter ever again...

... that's a lie.

Even though I knew what the day was going to be like, I knew that God would help me make the most out of it. I took each step with a smile and looked forward to what every new hour would bring. Talking - er, more like listening - about joy in Discipleship was great (yeah, shoutout to Mr. Worstell), seeing how I'm sort of on a joy kick right now.

I just love it here.
I love my classes.
I love simple, ol' Moberly.
I love my friends.

I know who to turn to when I'm feeling upset.
I know who to turn to when I need a hug (or don't, but want one anyway).
I know who to turn to when I've got a story to tell.
I know who to turn to when I want some advice.

I've got a new family here at Central and I'm excited. God is going to work through us all in amazing ways and I can't wait to see what He has in store for these beautiful people I'm coming to know and love dearly.

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