October 20, 2008

Ch. 224 - He Knows Us

I'm realizing all the more that the way I think, speak and act depends on the people I'm around. And I don't like that. Not one bit. I should, by now, be able to be my own person. I feel pathetic. I mean, I could go ahead and say that I'm still trying to figure out just exactly who I am... but I don't believe that we will ever fully know ourselves. The only person who truly comprehends and knows all of me is God.

And I'm glad.

I look at it as if it's a game. A puzzle, really. You have to use many small pieces to put together a large picture. You try out different pieces here and there. Sometimes the first piece you try to put into place simply fits. Other times, pieces look like they fit, but in reality they don't - so over time you make an adjustment, putting the pieces that truly fit into their rightful places. Putting a puzzle together can be really relaxing. However, putting a puzzle together can also be very frustrating.

I like to think that as I am working on my puzzle, God cheers for me when I place the pieces correctly. Especially when I see that one piece doesn't actually go in a particular spot - it's merely an impostor. A thing to fill a void.

I am so lucky to have a God that fills all empty space. To have a God who knows me inside and out. To have a God who loves me unconditionally, no matter where I am in my walk.

'The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love. By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him.'
[1 John 4:8-9]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very interesting analogy. I like it a lot. Hope all is going well.