February 5, 2008

Ch. 20 - Something Beautiful

Tonight David reiterated what Shawn and I have been saying for the longest time. Our core group of friends is incredibly passionate about God. We are on fire for God. We want to learn. We want to teach. We want to love. We want to share. It's a very special group; I still can't believe how seemingly coincidental our meeting and coming together was.

Tiffany and Brittany didn't know Shawn - yet they're suitemates. Darcy and I didn't know each other - we're also suitemates. Katie is right around the corner from us. We're all on the same floor. Kastin met Shawn through Wanda, Shawn's old roommate [Wanda and Kastin are on the U's track team together]. All the guys (Spencer, Matt, Ross, Landon, Zach) knew each other from MOPC (their church). They met the twins and Shawn through Cru one night - funny how Matt and Ross are usually at Young/Wyldlife on Thursday nights, but not that night. Granted, they would have met the girls eventually through Spencer, Landon and Zach, but still. Darcy and I came into the picture the first week after fall break, when we went to Cru the first time - and again Matt and Ross happened to be there. We all started hanging out the very next week. I had actually become Facebook friends with Spencer last May. And then there's last summer and Matt... which I still don't understand, but I do believe happened for a reason and that God will reveal what it all meant eventually.

I said that it was seemingly coincidental, because I know it's no coincidence. God has brought us together for a reason. Gretchen said that something big is going to happen with us...


Our God is so good.

David and Gretchen pointing those things out for us was beautiful. I got the feeling that Gretchen meant something big is going to happen not only for us, but through us. Only time will tell. When she and David said these things shivers went up and down my spine. I decided to go ahead and take tonight as yet another... sign, if you will... for my sticking around for a bit longer.

We are friends. We are family. I mean, we are brothers and sisters in Christ. But somehow it's deeper than even that. Sure, we have our ups, downs and times of distance, but at the end of the day we love each other very much and personally, they are always on my heart and in my prayers. I would give my life for any of them, they mean so much to me. I have been able to see, in these few months, how they've all grown in one way or another. I can see Christ in them and they are beautiful. I am excited to see them continue growing in God and what He does in their lives.

'My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.'
[Matthew 15:12-13]