August 26, 2008

Ch. 174 - The Opposite View

I was challenged to go outside during my Discipleship class today and spend some time just listening. I was to write down everything I heard. It didn't matter if I wrote down five things or fifty things. I ended up listing twenty-four sounds I heard. Some of them are similar to each other, but even so they each have a sound that belongs to only them. It got me thinking how we each have our own sounds, too. God gave each of us our own voice, laugh, cry, yell. He gave us our own personality, characteristics, abilities, gifts. We may all be brothers and sisters in Christ, but we are also a distinct child of God. And that's beautiful.

Here are the sounds I ended up listing:

I hear...

the metallic kick-in of air conditioning units.
the constant chirping of crickets.
the low rumble of vehicles on the highway.
the deep roar of a passing motorcycle.
the booming bass of a car stereo.
the resounding whistle of a train and
the vibrating clacking of the wheels on the tracks.
the gentle passing of the breeze through trees.
the piercing song of a cardinal.
the soothing rhythm of chit-chat between three women.
the gravelly start of an old car.
the smooth purr of a new car.
the persistent beeping of a truck in reverse.
the soft slam of a car door.
the distinct whirl of a helicopter rotor.
the crinkly rustle of my paper, moved by the breeze.
the creaky settling of the gazebo.
the impatient honking of a Toyota Corolla.
the echo of laughter near Foundation Hall.
the comforting 'flip-flop' of someone's steps.
the irritating buzz of mosquitoes in my ear.
the murmuring rustle of a garbage bag blowing in the breeze.
the slow clinking together of a set of keys.
the uneasy scraping of a rock being kicked over pavement.

I've written about silence a couple of times [see Chs. 9 and 33], so it was interesting to take the time to write about noise and sounds. I know I've said that I personally find silence very comforting and that it's technically my favorite 'sound', but I've found that I also take comfort in familiar sounds, especially when I'm outside. Take, for example, crickets. I all but love the sounds that crickets [and bugs] make. I couldn't tell you why. I simply do. That's part of who I am, made by God.

' "Your hands shaped me and made me..." '
[Job 10:8]

'Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; make music to our God on the harp. He covers the sky with clouds; he supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills. He provides food for the cattle and for the young ravens when they call. His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of a man; the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.'
[Psalm 147:7-11]

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