August 31, 2008

Ch. 179 - Exposure

Today I went to a Christian Church in Jefferson City. I knew it was going to be a contemporary service, but it was even more laid-back than I thought it would be. It basically consisted of singing worship songs, communion, more singing, the message, an offering, and a closing prayer. That's it. There wasn't even an invitation to communion; it was just passed down each row. Definitely not what I'm used to, even for a contemporary service. The praise band was really great - I think singing and listening to the band was my favorite part of the service. The message was alright. Because of what the church is going through right now there was a lot of focus on these things called Life Groups, and I don't plan on attending that church while I'm down here at school, so that kind of went over my head.

The sermon focused on serving, but most of it was based on Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Life. Even though I appreciated the focus of the message (being created to serve, being called to serve, being commanded to serve), I wasn't very impressed. I feel bad for saying that, but it's the simple truth. I'm not going to lie and say that I had a good time or that I can't wait to go back next week. I'm writing about this because it's what I've been thinking about all day. I also think it'll be interesting to read and reflect on in the future.

It just goes to show how things differ from area to area, from church to church and from denomination to denomination. That's one of the only things I don't like about 'Christianity', I think. All of the separation and differences... it's really kind of ridiculous, in my opinion. Why does mankind have to mess everything up? Honestly. And I know there's a reason for it all in God's great plan - I just wish it was apparent to us all at this point in time.

'Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!'
[James 2:12-13]

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