November 29, 2010

Ch. 765 - Growth Spurts

There are a lot of things I could talk about.
There are even more that I could write about... Does that make sense?











... Sometimes that's all I want to talk/write about.
I mean, sure - this is my story.
I could technically say/write whatever I want.

And yet, I don't.
Not truly.
Not fully.

Because I think that what I mean is I would speak of those... negative... aspects of "me". All of those things - topics - that I listed do pertain to me in some way. I could write about all of them regarding how they affect me, what I think about them, what they are, what they mean to me, etc... And some of those things most certainly do or would have a negative spin to them, I feel. I am sure I would have something positive to say about each. But really, overall, the tone would be negative.

So... is that so terrible?
Desiring to focus on "ME" to an even greater extent?

Doing so could, quite possibly - quite easily, really - lead to direct disobedience regarding the two greatest commandments that my Lord God gave me, I believe. Especially when that desire comes to fruition in actually talking with [more like at] others - regardless of whether they are believers and I think they can "handle" that which I find myself just thoughtlessly spewing out.

It's not that I would... come to love myself more than I currently do. At least I don't think so. But the focus on God and others would not be as great as it should be. I find it easy to see how my love for each would become diluted. I think it is awfully difficult to love others as you love yourself when all you care about is self and talking of or about self.

I don't know where it comes from.
I mean, I suppose I do.
I may have Christ.
I may have the indwelling Spirit.
But I still have flesh.
Man is man.
And man is selfish.

[Even so, God is the Father - Creator - of man. And thus, these... characteristics... are canceled out by His love, grace, and mercy.]

Perhaps I simply haven't fully come to embrace the fact that I do have people I can talk WITH [not at], realizing that over time we will learn about one another and come to love one another for who we are... made in the image of God... attempting to become more and more Christlike. I appreciate the fact that this can and does happen in a variety of settings. People are relational regardless of where they are, what they are doing, and who they are with - whether they realize it or not. Point of the matter is, if you are willing to invest time and energy into others, it will be reciprocated.

Perhaps I am afraid of coming to realize something about myself that I don't want to know. Because, chances are, it would not be pleasant and I know that God would need to work on me. Ouch. And yet, how good that is. I think that by going deeper and just getting things out there with others is good. Blank pages of a journal only offer so much comfort. Ink and lead run out eventually. New journals must be bought. And forget about personal insight and feedback. You can make the journal covers flap as if they are lips for as long as you'd like - but at the end of the day, you won't have heard a single word come from them. The same can be said about an empty HTML box on a blogging site. Start, stop, start, stop... delete this, edit that. Distractions abound. Granted, the hum of the fan offers a familiar comfort, as does the dim glow of the screen in a darkening room. Millions of resources for extra help, advice, suggestions, musings, and additional words are at your fingertips... but what does all that truly matter? What does that say about you?

Oh, how I am growing.
[And I am certainly thankful that my shoe size will stay the same.]

I think I'm going to begin a series of reflections on each of those things I listed at the beginning of this post. I may or may not post them on my other blog.

November 28, 2010

Ch. 764 - Delight. Delight. Delight.

I am His favorite.

"My delight is in her."

As usual... context aside, of course.

' "No longer will they call you Deserted, or name your land Desolate. But you will be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah; for the Lord will take delight in you, and your land will be married." '
[Isaiah 62:4, NIV]

' "It will no longer be said to you, "Forsaken," Nor to your land will it any longer be said, "Desolate"; But you will be called, "My delight is in her," And your land, "Married"; For the LORD delights in you, And to Him your land will be married." '
[Isaiah 62:4, NASB]

November 16, 2010

Ch. 763 - Blessing of Encouragement

Bless and be blessed.
Be/do/give what you need.
For truly... what goes around, comes around.
Beautifully cyclical, indeed.

November 9, 2010

Ch. 762 - Shatter

Praise is due my Lord God for what He is doing in my life - and your life, as well, I am sure... whether you realize He is working or not.

Let's just say that my God is loving. And faithful. And compassionate.
I feel so secure in knowing that He holds me in His hands. I am so glad that my identity is found in Jesus Christ. I may not fully understand what that means or what that looks like, but I understand to a great enough extent to realize how truly blessed I am.

You know, I've never been fully comfortable with... me. I don't know how often I have believed that I truly like myself. I think this is why I've always enjoyed being able to go up on stage for various performances and such... I get to be someone else. A character. An entirely different person. Someone who knows who they are. No deviants. They do not waver. They are strong. They always know what to say. Character interactions are flawless. And no matter what, things go as they are supposed to. The story in which the character "lives" flows just oh so nicely. But my own character? Natalie? Well.... she is not consistent. She is weak. She doesn't always know what to say. Sometimes her interactions with others are strained. And her story seems to stop and start, stop and start. She rarely knows what will happen next; unpredictability is a major theme in the story. However, that's what makes it real. Honest and sincere reality... it can be tough... but it is good.

But let's just say that sometimes, those tough parts of life can pretty easily lead you to define/see yourself in a negative manner. "Forgive and forget..." "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me..." These two sayings are, quite possibly, the most ridiculous and false statements ever coined. It can be very difficult to forget things done to you, or said to you - especially when those words that were said hurt. And they can. Hurt, I mean...

I am a very critical person. Hard on myself, hard on others. And I've really never had a very good or strong perception of myself. Confidence... self-esteem... rarely there. I put on masks, I put up fronts. I used to think that these things saved me. But I have honestly just recently realized how greatly these things have ultimately hurt me. I shudder to think of what - and whom - I have missed out on due to my pride and fear. I feel that I have developed such odd - false, even - views of the people and world around me.

I have always blamed the lack of action on other people's parts for the way I've felt. Alone. Disliked. Afraid. Excluded. Etc... But really, it was my lack of action that hindered my ability to think or feel otherwise. Sure, I understood the concept of a "two-way street". I just... didn't care enough to turn onto other streets. I was always waiting for others to turn onto my street.

There's more... so much more. There truly was a lot of hurt based on past experiences and whatnot. I have held onto these hurts for a very long time. They have weighed me down. They have made me bitter. They have made me hate [myself more so than others]. They have created disillusions. And really, they have made me tired. I am so tired of the enemy using them against me time and time again, just because I can't seem to let them go. I am so tired of letting the lies of the world influence me to a greater extent than the truths of the Lamb.

A week ago I had a conversation with a sister in Christ. She lives on my floor and is really neat. We've had a few conversations in the past, but nothing terribly serious or deep - yet they've always been great, and certainly appreciated on my side of things. But this talk we had was not fun. It was not desired. And it was not appreciated - at first, that is. It actually started with me asking her a question about someone else... funnily enough, about whether that second person was "real". Truly legit. Because said person had surprised me [in a good way] with words and actions. It seemed that they really did care. And I was taken aback by the realization of how much I both wanted and needed that. But I thought I would check with my sister just to be sure; I knew she could advise me because the two of them are close. Oh by the way, it turns out they are real. Anyway, that question/answer morphed into something unexpected. Long story short, I completely broke down. ... I hate it when that happens. All this "stuff" came pouring out and it was just.... aifudasljfkal. Gloriously awful. Awfully glorious. Take your pick. But let me tell you... I felt so loved. Just because she let me talk. And yet she didn't merely hear me, but also listened... and had input. Gave advice. Asked questions. Prayed for me. Over the weekend, I was able to have some more really great conversations with her. I am being completely honest when I say that I feel as if I finally have a good, true friend here at Central. She, too, is "real" and I am so glad that I have someone I can turn to in anything and everything. But man... it's been rough. I feel as if "my world" is falling down around me. It's like a glass vase, dangerously close to the table's edge... the table is bumped and you know what's going to happen. You want to do everything you can to stop the vase from falling to the floor and shattering into dozens of pieces - but you can't. Anyway, my sister has pointed out some pretty big faults in my thinking and habits... reminded me that people are not monsters... and helped me realize how much I need people. Especially the Body of Christ. His Bride. The Church.

I cannot be alone.
It is impossible.
It is unrealistic.
It is not what God desires for me.
And besides, I really don't want to be alone.
I feel like I've forced that upon myself in the past.
All because I'd developed this horrendous view of humanity.

No more.

I deserve better.
So do those around me.
And above all, God deserves my best.

This past week has been full of ups and downs.
But really... it's been a long time coming.
And I can't wait to see what comes next.

oh, how i hurt.
i feel HIS hand upon me.
crushing. tearing. breaking.
oh, the pain.
for it is good.
but oh GOD, my GOD, this is not what i desired.
"... that YOU would rend the heavens." [but...]
my heart?
a fear of fears.
oh, how i hurt.
i know joy.
i know peace.
i want more. [but...]
oh, the pain.
continue, oh GOD, my GOD.
for YOU love me.

New life.
The same me... but... different.
A phoenix, if you will.

So very, very thankful.

'Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.'
[Romans 12:15]

... I realize this may seem like an odd verse to end with, but for whatever reason it's been on repeat in my mind for the past week... so please forgive me.

November 6, 2010

Ch. 761 - In Response...

[As aforementioned in my last post, this post came from my other blog in order to play catch-up... this was written this past Thursday.]

Today I read an excerpt from Carlo Carretto's "Summoned by Love", a sustained meditation on the prayer of Charles de Foucauld known as the 'Prayer of Abandonment to God'. I've mentioned Carretto before [see Chapter 154]. The excerpt can be found in the book, Carlo Carretto: Essential Writings, a compilation of thoughts, letters, etc. written by Carretto. Carretto was actually a member of the Little Brothers of Jesus, an order inspired by the spirituality of de Foucauld. So a lot of his writings focus on different aspects of Catholicism, which I actually know very little about. Thus, his writings are all the more interesting to me, because they explore facets of something I am both a part of and not a part of.

Anyway, I had never heard about the 'Prayer of Abandonment to God' and did some research; it goes as thus:

I abandon myself into Your hands; do with me what You will. Whatever you may do, I thank You: I am ready for all; I accept all. Let only Your will be done in me, and in all Your creatures - I wish no more than this, O Lord. Into Your hands I commend my soul: I offer it to You with all the love of my heart, for I love You Lord, and so need to give myself, to surrender myself into Your hands, without reserve, and with boundless confidence... For You are my Father.


I hadn't read from Carlo Carretto: Essential Writings for quite some time. But today, for whatever reason, I decided to pluck the book from its shelf in my room and bring it with me to my classes. SALT was even less interesting than usual today... so I decided to open the book to the spot where I left my bookmark and began to read. The very first sentence piqued my interest to a great degree... if you haven't already done so, I suggest that you first read my previous blog post before continuing onward.

But with that bit of a background, I give to you that which I read today:

'On the subject of the Church as community:...
It's no good sheltering in the old refrain: "It's not my concern... I can't do anything about it... it's the priest's concern, the bishop's concern, my mother's concern."

I think it's everybody's concern.

The first symptom of conversion by which we prove that we have grasped what the Church actually is, is when we stop thinking about the Church as being only the Vatican or the diocese and think of it as being each one of us.

We are the Church!
Each of us is the Church!

What power would be generated were all Christians to keep saying, and each to contribute something to the activities of the bishop by saying, "It concerns me."

Now I am making a start.
Now I am trying to make a community.
I don't want to be on my own any more.
I want to have companions on my journey.
To live my life with them.
Even if there are only a few of us,
I want to make a start.
We shall pray at home.
We shall read the Bible together.
We shall make the Eucharist what the first Christians made it.
We shall hale each other.
We shall pool as much of our property as we can.
We shall live by the gospel.

And I think that the acutely worrying problem of priestly vocations would soon be solved in a community of this sort.

A community of prayer.
A community-Church in which the faith is sincerely lived automatically becomes a seminary. Where the Word is proclaimed, the Spirit comes, and the task of the Spirit is to make a Church and distribute its graces within it.'

Oh, how my Lord God works in wonderful ways.

'Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.'
[Colossians 3:15-16]

November 5, 2010

Ch. 760 - Dissatisfaction

[Alright, so the next two posts were on my other blog. But I wanted to use them as a catch-up for this one. :) I'm awesome.]

How does not knowing what community - or, I dare say, "the Church" - is become a problem in one's life? I could begin to attempt to tell you, but I don't think I would get very far before realizing, "I don't know."

Where does it start?
Can you put a finger on its generation point?
... Who is to "blame" for this tangled mess?

Blame it on self?
... Body?
... Soul?
Blame it on others?
... Family?
... Friends?
Blame it on church?
... Pastors?
... Teachers?
Blame it on the Church?
... The Body?
... The Bride?

It's a sad realization, let me tell you. My heart broke tonight. Not just for myself, mind you, but for the seemingly infinite number of people in this world who do not about Christ, let alone a [true/Church] community.

There are just... too many.
Too many, I say, and it is overwhelming.

Oh, how my heart aches.

I desire to be proven wrong.
I desire to be shown it exists.
I desire something more than "this".
I desire to learn how to bring that which we all need to others.

And I desire to truly figure out how this problem is generated.

It is simply unfortunate that I feel like I have to do so on my own.
And that, more often than not, I feel as if nobody else cares whatsoever.

'Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.'
[Ephesians 2:19-20]

October 28, 2010

Ch. 759 - Truths upon Truths

Oh, to be known by my Lord God... this is my delight.
Oh, to be loved by my Lord God... this is my joy.

And I am His delight. I am His joy.

I am not worthless.
I am of great value in His sight.

He has a plan for me.
A beautiful plan.
A challenging plan.
A plan that has been created to benefit His kingdom.


I am so thankful that I was made for loving Him.

'For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.'
[1 Peter 1:18-19]

October 25, 2010

Ch. 758 - Touch

This may sound weird... but I like to touch. It seems like I always have to be holding or touching something - it usually comes down to my hair, a pen, or my earring(s). I think that the sense of touch can tell us so much about things. And people, too.

Is something new? Or perhaps aged and worn? It something soft, or rough? Smooth, or ragged and uneven? Is a table made of real wood, or has it been covered with a veneer that looks like wood? Is something supple, or hard? Dry, or wet? Are a person's hands calloused, or well taken care of? Is a person's wealth made obvious in the fabrics they choose to clothe themselves with?

You can only know something to such a degree by seeing it, hearing it, tasting it, smelling it... well, by touching it, too. But I feel that touch reveals something's depth. It brings to the table a new facet of said somethings. Touch brings about an understanding of the reality of things; they "come to life". I think this is partly why people have such a difficult time coming to know, understand, or desire God... He cannot be touched. We cannot grasp Who or What He is based on that sense. Or any others, really. Well. I suppose we can believe that He is beautiful based on what we see in nature or people, but otherwise, we cannot understand Him or have a deeper sense of Him [based on what our senses lead us to know/believe].

However. Perhaps it is safe to say that people are able to realize a facet of God based on touch. What about those who are healed from the laying on of hands? If someone is healed due to the power of the Holy Spirit flowing through the hands of a believer with the gift of healing, wouldn't the person who was healed come to understand and believe that God is the Healer? As long as glory is given to Him, all parties involved - especially the healed - should know that ultimately, God healed the inflicted. Obviously it may not be the touch itself that initiates the healing, but rather faith - but the touch of the person who has the gift allows God to work through that faith and that person.

I love the fact that God can use healings to show Himself to both believers and nonbelievers alike. Yet I do believe that it takes faith upon the part of the inflicted in order to be healed, not just the person who has that gift, based on what I read in the Bible. Even so, nonbelievers, or those to whom faith is not "real", may see these healings and come to see and know God is at work and real. So I suppose that it is possible to know a part of God through the sense of touch, technically. It may be a bit of a stretch, I realize, but it makes sense to me... especially since I do believe that God continues to give the gift of healing to people today - and does miraculous and wonderful things through His children. All glory to God, always!

'When he came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately he was cured of his leprosy.'
[Matthew 8:1-3]

October 24, 2010

Ch. 757 - Fields and Vineyards

'I went past the field of the sluggard,
past the vineyard of the man who
lacks judgment;
thorns had come up everywhere,
the ground was covered with weeds,
and the stone wall was in ruins.
I applied my heart to what I observed
and learned a lesson from what I
A little sleep, a little slumber,
a little folding of the hands to rest -
and poverty will come on you like a
and scarcity like an armed man.'
[Proverb 24:30-34]

I think the sight and lesson described in these verses can be applied to our very being and hearts, at times. If we don't keep up in our relationships with God, and don't come to Him for nourishment, we will become thorny, dry, and remain unpruned. This is not good for us. We need the living water, the bread of life... and we need the true, strong protection of our God to surround our hearts and spirits. Neglect is an awful thing. It says we care not about ourselves - but God created us as His dear children and abusing ourselves in such a way is disrespectful to our Creator. Turn to Him to be nourished and grown in ways that we cannot make happen ourselves.

October 23, 2010

Ch. 756 - Instructions and Promises

Various verses of Psalm 37:

(1) Do not fret, or be envious.
(3) Trust in the Lord and do good.
(4) Delight yourself in the Lord.
(5) Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him.
(7) Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him.
(8) Refrain from anger and turn from wrath.
(27) Turn from evil and do good.
(34) Wait for the Lord and keep His way.
(37) Consider the blameless, observe the upright.


(3) He will give you safe pasture.
(4) He will give you the desires of your heart.
(6) He will make your righteousness shine.
(11) He will give [the meek] great peace.
(18) He will give [the blameless] an inheritance that endures forever.
(23) He will make your steps firm, upholding you.
(28) He will give you eternal protection.
(39) He will be your stronghold.
(40) He will help you and deliver you.

Why would anyone not desire to have a relationship with the Lord God of this psalm that His servant David wrote? These promises are beautiful and eternal, constantly kept for those who follow Him. Oh, how truly blessed I am.

October 22, 2010

Ch. 755 - Wisdom Stems from Suffering

... Job 22:21-28.

Be at peace.
Accept instruction.
Lay up His words.
Remove wickedness.

Surely then...

You will find delight in Him; you will lift up your face.
You will pray to Him; He will hear you.
What you decide will be done; light will shine on your ways.

I really think that these verses can be applied to man today. These words of advice from Eliphaz, a friend of Job, can be taken by anyone who truly desires to draw near to God, know Him, and be in His will. When our lives revolve around Him, we will prosper. God will bless us. He will give us the desires of our hearts, so long as they are truly in alignment with His plans for us. And you know, even though these verses contain things we should be doing, they really boil down to simply spending time with God, or being in His word... so actually, it all returns to the concept of being with Him. Which... I mean... isn't that what He wants us to "do" anyway?

October 20, 2010

Ch. 754 - Roll

God is so much bigger than you.
... Than me.

Why is it so difficult for us to lay to rest the trivial matters that do not even affect our personal salvations? Our personal ministries? Our personal relationships with the God Who loves us more than we know... ?

More often than not, no one is to blame but yourself when these things are affected in such a way that is deemed undesirable, unfair, unreasonable, irrational, upsetting, etc.

When are we going to accept the fact that we do not know what is best?
When are we going to accept the fact that we need to learn to trust?
When are we going to accept the fact that change happens?

... Sometimes simply embracing change makes it all the more easy to understand, rather than kicking against the goads trying to comprehend all the facets of said change. Learn things for yourself. Don't skip around between multiple points of view.

Multiple stories.
Multiple lies.
Multiple hurts.

Turn away from that which is meaningless.
Turn, in entirety, to Him Who reigns on high.
... To Him Who is above all else.

' "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness..." '
[Matthew 6:33a]


Click here to revisit Chapter 356.

October 19, 2010

Ch. 753 - Held

Always learning.
Always learning about myself.
Always learning about myself, always learning about God.

And His will for my life.
And what He desires of me.

Let me tell you... having truth spoken into your life is good.
Truly, truly, truly good.
But man oh man can it hurt.

Sometimes I am amazed at how greatly I struggle without even realizing it.
Sometimes I have no idea where to begin, after having been picked up by God.

I am... overwhelmed.
I am... lonely.
But I am not alone.


Click here to revisit Chapter 350.

October 8, 2010


What a week.

I don't think I've ever thought, 'I can't write.'

I don't always feel like writing.
Yet I will anyway.
Even when I don't write any blog posts, I still write in my journal.


But right now that's what I find myself thinking.
'I can't write.'
And I hate it.


I am doing fine.
It hasn't been the best week... whatsoever.
But I am fine. Good, even.
I was really encouraged in talking to a couple people last night.
I simply feel like I have a lot to go over in my mind and heart.

So for now, that's what I'm going to do.
I'm going to figure this out.
... Whatever "this" may be.

I have heavenly hope.
I have earthly joy [which is fine for now].
I have a Savior Who loves me.

These are enough.


These are enough.

October 5, 2010

Ch. 752 - Harvest of Hope

"What is a harvest of hope?"

A professor asked one of my friends that question tonight. He has to speak in regards to what that is this week in chapel... it is Missions Emphasis Week at school and every year we steal the National Missionary Convention's theme [the NMC is in November]. Anyway - he's been trying to figure it out, but has no idea what a harvest of hope is. My friend wasn't sure, either. So she said that she would go around and ask others what it could possibly mean, and then get back to him. I happened to be the first person she asked the question to.

I wasn't sure what to make of the question, at first. I had to sit and think for a few moments. I really had no idea what to say, how to answer. A harvest of hope... a harvest of hope... a harvest of hope... a harvest of hope. Hm.

Well. The following is what I came up with, along with a couple interjections from said friend [N] and another friend of ours [J] who happened to be around while this singular Q&A was taking place.

There is, indeed, a harvest happening. We want hope to take root in people as they learn about Jesus. But really, we cannot harvest hope. We cannot have a harvest of hope. Because that would mean that we are taking hope away from someone, someplace, something. Believers should desire to instill hope within others. We want hope to grow within people. Over time, it will turn into faith. People become followers of Christ. Now, a harvest is the gathering/taking in of a crop. The harvested crop is then used. For example, when you harvest food, you may sell it... eat it... preserve it for the winter months... etc. Again: you use what you harvest. So when you fully come to understand the hope that has been shared/taught/offered you, that hope in Christ... and you come to maturity... you should be willing to be used by God, having been harvested. Then you can be the one to plant seeds of hope within others.

{"J" reminded us that Christ is the great Harvester. We may be preparing the fields, but He is the One who will gather the crop.}

{And "N" reminded us that Christ gives people something to hope in. People place hope in a lot of different things. When what they are putting hope in fails, it can be devastating. Feelings of hopelessness can even cause people to take their lives.}

But hope gives life.
Both physical and spiritual.

So. Recap:
When hope is placed in the right thing, Jesus, life can fully be grasped. Hope turns into faith. When faith is had by someone, they come to have new life in Jesus. The people who have that new life are those whom we call "the harvest". Thus, through faith, you technically can have a harvest of hope... a harvest planted by hope.

Hope --> Faith --> Harvest --> Discipleship --> Maturation --> Multiplication --> New planters of Hope... oh, what a beautiful cycle.


Click here to revisit Chapter 346.

October 4, 2010


Two weeks.

Here I am.

Seasons and winds of testing, indeed.
Seasons and winds of refreshing... not so much.

They shall come in due time.

For now, I continue to turn to God at all times.

September 20, 2010

Ch. 751 - Seasons of Testing

"Let the winds blow...
Awake, awake oh north wind...
Come oh winds of testing,
come winds of refreshing..."

Oh Lord God... work on me.
Refine me.
Test me.
Do what You will.
For I know that what You do to and for me is good.
... Not to mention necessary.

' "This third I will bring into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer them; I will say, 'They are my people,' and they will say, 'The Lord is our God.' " '
[Zechariah 13:9]


Click here to revisit Chapter 343.

September 19, 2010

Ch. 750 - Call On His Name

A present-day vision of Heaven... Thank You, Lord God, for this beautiful realization. So simple. Wondrous.


"There's no other name."


Such power.

Overwhelming, O God, is Your presence. But oh, how thankful I am for it. I pray for a new constant in my life, Lord God. A constant... of Your presence... joy... stability... self-discipline... anything that is of You, and You alone.

I want You.
I need You.

A true desire.

A new hunger and thirst.
I can only be satiated by You.
Fill me like never before.

"Wake me up."

I want to do things with You, not merely for You. I yearn, oh how I yearn, for You.

"I sit here at Your feet,
I find my rest in You.
I sit here at Your feet,
I take great delight in You."

Lord God, only You satisfy.

'I will extol the Lord at all times;
his praise will always be on my lips. '
[Psalm 34:1]


Click here to revisit Chapter 336.

September 18, 2010

Ch. 749 - Glory Leads to Praise

I am frustrated.


To fully worship God with all that we have... oh, the beauty... to not hold back, to be free. Such desire. For "the dwelling place of God - it is with man." We have access to Him. Why worship Him as He is far away, as if we have to wait for Him to come to us?

' "And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all mankind together will see it." '
[Isaiah 40:5]


Click here to revisit Chapter 327.

September 17, 2010

Ch. 748 - He is Law

Psalm 119:161-176...

'Great peace have they who love your
and nothing can make them
[Verse 165]

'I obey your precepts and your statutes,
for all my ways are known to you.'
[Verse 168]

'May my lips overflow with praise...
May my tongue sing of your word...'
[Verses 171a, 172a]

'I long for your salvation, O Lord...'
[Verse 174a]

Jesus said that He came not t abolish the law, but to fulfill it. In my mind, He is [the] Law. By loving Him, Law, we have "great peace". We have peace in Him and through Him, for He is Peace, just as He is Law. He is also, then, our Delight, and we long for Him and the salvation He brings... that we may be in His presence for all eternity. My lips overflow and my tongue sings, indeed! For He is the righteous Teacher. And I obey Him because I love Him. And as verse 168 says, all my ways are known to Him. There is nothing I could say or do that would be unknown. There is no point in not submitting to Him.


Click here to revisit Chapter 323.

September 16, 2010

Ch. 747 - Nothing Besides YOU

'... And earth has nothing I desire
besides you.'
[Psalm 73:25b]

... What a truth! Or at least, it should be a truth to us... do we truly desire "nothing" but God? Even if it was [truth], we would still be separated from Him, because we are not fully in His presence at all times here in this place. So our desire would never seem to be fulfilled. So in a way, it is good that we have these... distractions... to "desire". They will satisfy us - albeit in a meaningless fashion - until That which we should truly desire above all else can be fully appreciated in His entirety.


Click here to revisit Chapter 303.

Ch. 746 - 'Awake, my soul!'

Note: 'For the director of music. To the tune of "Do Not Destroy." Of David. A miktam. When he had fled from Saul into the cave.'

'My heart is steadfast, O God,
my heart is steadfast;
I will sing and make music.
Awake, my soul!
Awake, harp and lyre!
I will awaken the dawn.'
[Psalm 57:7-8]

These are beautiful verses - lyrics, really, for they are part of a song written by David. I love that he says his heart is steadfast. To me, steadfast means strong... true, loyal... it represents a perseverance... something that holds. I think David believes God has helped him in such a way that his heart has become steadfast - it was likely that it simply couldn't be helped. And he is thankful for this, which is why he desires to sing and make music before the Lord His God. Now, it is one thing to merely sing... but it is another to sing with your soul. To sing with feeling, emotion. I imagine that David is saying, "Awake, my soul!" because he wants to present to the Lord a song from his very soul. I can almost feel my own heart pound as I wait in anticipation for a new song of joy and thankfulness... of deliverance... to rise up from within me, spilling out into the cave - without hesitation, without reluctance. And I can almost hear the song bounce off the walls and ceiling, making it sound as if a multitude of sonorous voices are giving praise to the God of David, for He loves and saves. The song continues through the night, indeed awakening the dawn... Continuous praise: a sweet and pleasing aroma to the Lord.


Click here to revisit Chapter 281.

September 14, 2010

Ch. 745 - Lifted

Lord God, I thank You for this day. I thank You for sorrow, that it makes me feel... alive. It reminds me that Your Son knows what we, as finite beings, go through each day. And it brings me gladness to know that He is sympathetic and compassionate towards Your children. But even so, I ask that You would remind me to continuously turn to You in all things... prayer, confusion, sorrow, joy... and that I would be all the more glad that I have You to turn to. Because people do fail. People do let others down. But You, O God, do not fail, or let Your children down. You are sovereign and loving. You are glad and swift to help us up when we fall. And for this, I thank You.

Lord God, You are ever near. Right by my side. Ready. Attentive. Quick to listen, quick to wrap Your arms around me. Do I deserve these things? No... But You have bought me for a price. And I am worthy in Your sight. Praise is due You, Lord God! "I am Yours, You are mine... and we'll be together forever!" Thank You for truths that You give me to hold onto. They speak of Your greatness and holiness. There is none like You. Hallelujah, hallelujah!

Lord God, hear me. Hear my words. Hear my thoughts. Hear the songs of my spirit and soul. Give me a desire to focus on what truly matters. Help me to love others, and all the more love You. For You are good, always. Refresh me, Lord God. Break me down, rend my heart. Strip me of anything and everything that keeps me from You. Fill me up, then, so that I may know You more and be near to You. And then, O God, pour me out unto others, that they may experience Your Holy Spirit. For only You can truly fill them up, but You can use me to give them a taste... a touch. That is what I desire. Be it through joy inexpressible, encouragement, a prophetic word, a simple prayer, or some other manifestation... I want others to know and love You and Your Spirit. Lord God, You are gracious and merciful. I pray that I would be able to strengthen myself in regards to these qualities, in becoming more like Your Son.

It's in His name, always... let it be so.

September 13, 2010

Ch. 744 - Bridegroom Thoughts

These concise thoughts are the result of reading a report written by a young man named Blaise Foret. I think he's a student at IHOPU, but I could be wrong... Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about what was said in the paper and through my own reading... and I want to just get my thoughts down.

Jesus is the Bridegroom.
A husband's love for his wife surpasses his love for his children.
Or, at least it should.

Jesus coming as the Church's Bridegroom... mere language... or truth?

[Ephesians 5:22-33]

Christ: His Church
Husbands: Wives
One body...
Mutuality in love...

Mystery: Christ and the Church
--> Communication
--> Emotions [like fire]

Engagement... it creates a longing, a yearning... a deep desire.
[A yearning from and of the Holy Spirit...]

Our desire for the return of Christ, for the marriage to the Bridegroom, will be a "real impartation of hunger that comes from the Holy Spirit..."

[Luke 18:7-8]

A perfect marriage.
Faithful in all facets.

His presence will bring peace and rest.

The cry: "Come!"


Click here to revisit Chapter 271.

September 12, 2010

Ch. 743 - By and Through...

Luke 1:35
Jesus was born of the Spirit.

Luke 3:22
Jesus was baptized by the Spirit.

Luke 4:1
Jesus was filled and led by the Spirit.

Acts 10:38
Jesus did miracles through the Spirit.

Hebrews 9:14
Jesus offered himself to death through the Spirit.

Romans 8:11
Jesus rose from the dead by the Spirit.


Click here to revisit Chapter 255.

September 11, 2010

Ch. 742 - An Invitation

Oh, to overcome these things day after day...

Decreasing... slowly.

Very... slowly...

But I have been given a portion of joy, albeit small.
And I am holding onto it, practically for life.

"Come to My secret, quiet place."
'But I already have, Lord God. I'm in a secret, quiet place, aren't I?'
... "No... you haven't. Come to My secret, quiet place, and step up to My table."

Who would refuse?
He loves me.

'He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love.'
[Song of Songs 2:4]


Click here to revisit Chapter 239.

September 7, 2010

Ch. 741- Hear My Prayer

'My God, my God, why have you
forsaken me?
Why are you so far from saving me,
so far from the words of my groaning?
O my God, I cry out by day, but you do
not answer,
by night, and am not silent.

Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One;
you are the praise of Israel.'
[Psalm 22:1-3]

No answer.
O God, lift your daughter up.


Click here to revisit Chapter 226.

September 6, 2010

Ch. 740 - None but Him

'Who can say, "I have kept my heart
I am clean and without sin"?'
[Proverb 20:9]

As sad as it may be, I do believe that no one can - or will ever be able to - say this. It is something that we can and should strive for, of course. But when it comes down to it, no one is entirely pure-hearted. There is no one who can say they are clean and without sin. That is, no one but our Lord, Jesus Christ. And that gives me a hope beyond all concern and doubt and worry and fear... because I know that while I may not be able to answer the proverb's question in the affirmative on my behalf, Someone can and He has taken my sin away.


Click here to revisit Chapter 221.

September 3, 2010

Ch. 739 - A New Conviction

One week... much needed time off from blogging in order to figure things out for the beginning of the schoolyear... which I'm totally stoked for. It's going to be a great semester, for sure, and hopefully its greatness will carry over to the spring semester.


If something were to happen that would result in my not being able to go to school for the remainder of the year, I would be okay with that. If I learn nothing else than what I learned yesterday in a single class, I would be okay with that, too. Don't get me wrong... I do want to learn more. But it's as if I feel that what I speak of is truly sufficient to satisfy my desire to learn and grow. It has provided me with something that I know I can personally work on in my life and help others realize and work on as well.

This is a big deal.
Two sentences.
"The truth hurts."
... What a statement.
To be honest, I felt like I was punched in the stomach.
I could practically feel God twisting my heart in His hands.

But this is good.
This is very good.

'My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear.'
[Psalm 38:4]


Click here to revisit Chapter 216.

August 26, 2010

Ch. 738 - Radiance

'The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.'
[Hebrews 1:3]

What a majestic and powerful God I know.

I feel so overwhelmed right now... but in a good way.
I am also very content. At peace. What a wonderful place to be.
Hmmm... thankful that my Lord God holds my life in His hands.
Pure and simple.


Click here to revisit Chapter 214.

August 25, 2010

Ch. 737 - A Transition

Love and be loved.
Annnd that's all I've got.

'... I love you, O Lord, my strength.'
[Psalm 18:1]


Click here to revisit Chapter 210.

August 24, 2010

Ch. 736 - ¡Blasphemy!

This morning I was reading in the book of Matthew and the following two verses have stayed with me throughout the day:

' "And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come." '
[Matthew 12:31-32]

I wonder how many people have read these and suddenly become fearful that they have blasphemed against the Holy Spirit. I personally think that you were ever to do so, you would most certainly know... And it's not truly just a case of "speaking a word" against Him. A friend of mine has put it this way: 'How many times have we spoken the Lord's name in vain?' It's okay, He forgives us. Granted, it doesn't give us an excuse to do so. But it's not the end of the world and we are not stripped of our salvation. I believe the blaspheme would be more of an outward sign, and whatever was the root thinking or feeling would become a true, personal belief. I simply cannot imagine what would cause someone to speak against the Holy Spirit and not believe, for example, in His very being or power. It's difficult to think about.


Click here to revisit Chapter 206.

August 23, 2010

Ch. 735 - The Ache Within

A few days ago I visited the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City. I really love the arts, and visiting the museum was a wonderful experience. From sculptures to photographs to paintings... I walked through the hallways and exhibit rooms with an open mind and an appreciative eye.

I always feel really comfortable in museums. I enjoy art history and find myself reading up on artists, styles and time periods, etc. from time to time; I especially like to read about my favorite artist, Henri Matisse [click here!], and fauvism. Another little-known fact about Natalie: the 'art' section of Barnes and Noble is more often than not the first section I make a beeline for when I step foot inside. When I look at works of art I feel at peace. Content. Relaxed. Of course, my mind works overtime; I am constantly asking myself questions, wondering about the artistic process and the thoughts of the artist as their hands fabricated the masterpieces that we come to see, know, and love.

So I was really excited to visit a new museum. I thoroughly enjoyed browsing the newest exhibitions, as well as collected works of the museum. Fantastic day. Thus, imagine my surprise when I walked into an extension of the Asian galleries and simply stopped. No breathing. No thinking. No moving. I just... froze. I had walked, head down, into a room painted entirely red. As I lifted my head and looked around, I saw multiple statues of Buddha surrounding me. I mean, there were literally hundreds of Buddha figures in this part of the museum. Large statues, small figurines. Heads, full bodies. And all within different styles. Paintings, too. It was... overwhelming. For a few moments, I felt... afraid. Anxious. Sad.

I felt an ache within that I am none too familiar with.

And I hated it.
I truly hated it.
That place.
That sight.

At first, I thought I couldn't handle it.

I wanted to cry.
I wanted to scream.

But instead I took a deep breath and continued onward through the sea of statues. Oh, how I longed to run from those red rooms.

So I did.
Well. Practically.
I didn't run so much as walk quickly.


But it was okay. Because that ache turned into a rising passion, which evolved into a realization of the deep desire that I have. The desire for people to know the true God. The living God. Creator, Ruler, Master. King of Kings, Lord of Lords. The Lion, the Lamb, the Lover of all souls. That ache turned into a long-lasting fuel that I will be able to use indefinitely.

Besides, what will happen when I go to the Middle East?
Constant reminders of a faith that I once claimed as my own. Downtowns of the Bible Belt have churches on every corner; I'm not going to lie - a mosque on every corner just sounds... weird. The names of Allah and Muhammad on walls and doors and windows and signs.... everywhere. Whether by muezzin or recording, heralds of the call to prayer are heard five times a day... every day.

What then?
Will I freeze up, gripped by fear and anxiety and sadness?
Will I want to run?

Or will I feel, all the more, that ache... that desire... to spread the Word of my Lord God and Savior?

Only He knows.

Regardless, I do know that I can only rely on Him, trusting Him for strength, courage, and boldness.

' "You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments." '
[Exodus 20:3-6]


Click here to revisit Chapter 199.

August 22, 2010

Ch. 734 - Qs With No As.

Ten days.
Another fresh start.

' "I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. "For he is the living God and he endures forever; his kingdom will not be destroyed, his dominion will never end. He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions." '
[Daniel 6:26-27]

Can you imagine what the United States would be like if our president issued a decree like the one above that King Darius issued? If people truly obeyed the decree... what would America look like? Would people truly turn to the "living God" and turn away from their sin? Would they allow themselves to be refined by the fire of God? Would they live their lives for Him? Would the downtrodden find joy? How quickly would people realize that their lives have purpose? Would they grasp the true meaning of the American dream... hope? And would America become the land of the absolute free? How would people come to make a difference in the lives of citizens around the world? How many would fully devote their lives to furthering the kingdom of God? How would God use us? What would He do? What magnificent signs and wonders would He perform? How often would we see deliverance from the lions of today?

What would change?
... Anything?

Are we so far gone... so wrapped up in the lives that we lead... that this decree would mean absolutely nothing to us? Have we no fear? Do we not know the meaning of reverence? Have we forgotten how to righteously adore, honor, obey?

I do not mean to sound pessimistic or anything.
I was just reading the book of Daniel and when I came to those verses I began to ask myself questions such as these. I simply needed to get them out of my mind. Peace and blessings upon you.


Click here to revisit Chapter 191.

August 12, 2010

Ch. 733 - Roots

I have a difficult time accepting... well... many things.
Friend requests on Facebook from people I don't know...

I appreciate all these things. Even criticism, if it is constructive. And the truths, too, which could - more often than not - be classified as "hard-to-handle". Oh, okay... maybe not the first item mentioned...

Anyway, I do. Appreciate these things, I mean. But it's like I don't know how to manage them. Want to know the best part? It's pretty obvious to me that I am not exactly a "pro" at giving these things out to others.

Why is this?

... I try. I really do.
I actually think there has been improvement on the giving side of things over the past couple of years. Bible college will do that to you.

But seriously.
Why do I have to work so hard at doing so?

Do I think people are not "worthy" of these things?
Not that my love or friendship is any better or more important than those of another... but perhaps I am convinced that they wouldn't appreciate it. And thus they are not deserving. Of course, then I am not being obedient to the commands of God: '" 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' "' [Mark 12:31a] And if I cannot obey the second greatest commandment, surely I am not following the first: '" 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' "' [Mark 12:30]

After all, to obey is to love.
[1 John 5:3]

Is that the root of my problem?
Could it be that I simply do not love God?
At least, not enough?
But then it must be asked again... Why?

Am I unable to accept the aforementioned things from people because I cannot even accept them from the Lord God Himself? Am I unable to give these things out, namely love, because I cannot even give them - it - to Him?

If I can't even accept His love, the only love that truly matters, how can I expect to gain a greater capacity to love Him? Or truly love Him at all? I mean, despite all that I have read and heard, sung and been told, how greatly do I believe that it is true? But how could I not fully believe? For one, I wouldn't be where I am or who I am right now. I wouldn't be going to Central Christian College of the Bible... would I? Would I still be out in Utah, desiring to gain worldly things such as wealth and political power? Or would I be celebrating my third Ramadan, a slave to Islam? And secondly, not fully believing would be like slapping God in the face... why would I ever want to do that? What an image, eh? A finite sinner slapping the face of God... how absurd.

I put myself in chains of doubt and anxiety.
"It's not true."

I am loved.
I am His joy and delight.

And with that... with nine, simple words... this post is meaningless.

After all, I "know" these things.
I need to entirely embrace this knowledge, though. I need to return that love unto Him, and His beloved people, too. Be loved. Love. Be loved. And then love some more. Stop pushing Him away. Stop building walls. Seek Him and strive to be loved "more". To know Him and the perfect love that He has for me... what a beautiful mission.


Click here to revisit Chapter 187.

August 11, 2010

Ch. 722 - Footsteps

I desire to follow in His footsteps.

'I will follow the Lamb.'
[My Confession by Misty Edwards]

... What an odd-sounding statement.

Aren't lambs supposed to follow?
He is the Shepherd and and the Lamb.
His path is narrow.
But it is well-traveled.

And we have a beautiful Guide to call out to if we stray off the path and need help.

He is the Navigator.
The Compass.
The Light.
The Retriever.

He is Power.

He is a risk-taker, even.

I can rest in Him. Take heart and courage... find peace. Yet He also comes to rest in me - His garden. I am His lovely dwelling place. And like any garden gives me joy, I give Him joy and delight.

'The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" '
[John 1:29]


Click here to revisit Chapter 178.

August 9, 2010

Ch. 721 - Thoughts, Pt. Five


Worship, always.
Spontaneous praise.

Anoint, Lord God.

Isaiah 64:1

King of Glory.
Carpenter from Nazareth.
Lamb of God.
Lion of Judah.
Son of Man.
Of David.

He is alive.
His "story" is true.

August 7, 2010

Ch. 720 - Thoughts, Pt. Four

The other day I was at a store. I was walking down an aisle. The aisle was neither terribly wide nor narrow. I mean, there were people on either side of me and still a bit of room to spare on the outside edges. Walking towards me were a man and a young girl, presumably his daughter. They were holding hands. Right before they passed us, the man raised his hand that was holding the girl's hand, and used her arm to direct her where to go, walking directly behind her. As the two passed, I looked over my shoulder. The man had momentarily let go of the girl's hand, and then as they turned down another aisle, took it again. This made me think of guidance we sometimes receive from God. He walks beside us. With us. But sometimes the path becomes crowded. Narrow. Dark. Difficult to traverse. And I believe that God wants us to learn how to navigate these paths on our own, at times. I mean, I don't think we should always expect God go to ahead of us, clearing a path and shining a bright light. Sometimes we need to move forward on our own. Of course, He will continue to be with us, but one step behind... so that we can learn. Be guided. Trust. In Him, of course... not ourselves. To build up a reliance upon Him, knowing that He will steer us in the correct or desired direction. And just for a moment, He may let go... but we need not fear or worry. He is always with us.

August 2, 2010

Ch. 719 - Thoughts, Pt. Three

Psalm 103

My Lord God forgives.
My Lord God heals.
My Lord God redeems.
My Lord God crowns.
My Lord God satisfies.

He is so great.
Who am I to worry?
To "freak out"?
He has a plan.
He knows me.
And He will help me when it is time to do so.
Until then... He continues to listen. Always.


'How many... O God?'
Prayers lifted.
Confessions exclaimed.
Hearts changed.
Tears cried.
... Etc.
"Many - even enough... but yours still matter. You still matter."



Fire... river... flowing from the throne of God.

July 29, 2010

Ch. 718 - Thoughts, Pt. Two

All I need right now is to hear His voice. All I want right now, really. And what I need, then, is to listen and act accordingly to what I hear. I desire to desire Him... does that make sense? I want to be able to say that I am truly running after God because I yearn for Him. I want a mere taste... and then, from that, want nothing else. Nothing less.

Sometimes I just feel so mixed up inside. Angry? Confused? Sad? Anxious? Restless? I just... don't know... I want to be able to sort everything out. I feel as if I needed a jump start in order to do so.


I need... peace.
... joy.
... a calm.
I don't know how else to describe it... but I feel that fits pretty well.

Praise God, always.

Psalm 69:9
Psalm 73:25-26
Psalm 78:8

July 23, 2010

Ch. 717 - Thoughts, Pt. One

The following five posts came from my journal on the dates given and were all written while in the Wind and Fire prayer room here in Iowa. I love this place. But I love His presence in this place even more. The ministry of W&F is so anointed and I have so greatly enjoyed learning about what they do from one of the staff members, "Mama" Jane. She has been such an encouragement and a blessing to me over the summer.


I am His.
He is mine.

His beauty radiates from the throne.
Confession brings His presence.
He wants to give us mercy.
And peace.
And joy.
And healing.

Sometimes what we want to do so greatly is difficult to do.


Cover me with the blood of the Lamb, Lord God.
Open my eyes.
... only to receive things of You.

Saving grace has been extended to me.
I'd be a fool not to accept it day after day.

What more can I give?
I give You my praise, all my days... all my days.


2 Corinthians 3:17-18

July 18, 2010

Ch. 716 - In His Presence

"In Your presence, all fear is gone... in Your presence.
In Your presence, is where I belong... in Your presence."

We sang this in church this morning. It's part of a song, but it's the only part we sang. ... And I am so glad.

I was overwhelmed with His presence.
I didn't know what to do.
I didn't know what to say.
I didn't know what to think.
So I just stood there.
Eyes closed.
Arms out.
Gazing upon His throne, radiant light shining upon my face.

A silent joy.

Drifting thoughts about the Lamb.
His death.
His resurrection.

His Father.


Heaven... our true home.
"Until He returns... or calls me home..."

Sometimes I feel like even though I am here in Iowa, with my family, I am not home. Sometimes I feel like I don't have a home. That I don't belong anywhere.

'That' is heavenly.
'This' is like heaven on earth.
"Is this heaven?"
... "No, it's Iowa."

I think, however, that I have finally found heaven on earth.

I am at home in His presence.
And that's all that matters.


Ears covered.
Ears opened.
Still dirty.
But refreshed.
It's a start.


Click here to revisit Chapter 161.

July 15, 2010

Ch. 715 - Perfect

The perfect Christian...

- is real.
- uses witty comments about the Church for their Facebook status...
... or writes "Christian" blog posts... better yet, how about both?
- thinks outside the box - and doesn't put God in one.
- is missions-minded.
- memorizes hundreds of Bible verses.
- realizes what their spiritual gifts are and utilizes them.
- prays all the time...
... and when they do, they close their eyes, bow their heads, and put on a nice, little smile.
- is humble.
- may or may not die for Christ.
- stands up for their beliefs.
- encompasses all the fruits of the Spirit...
... or, at the very least, actually knows what they are.
- points out the sins of others "in Christian love".
- knows they are saved.
- only listens to Christian music.
- is involved with [a] ministry.
- has attended, attends, or will attend a Bible college.
- shines the light of Jesus Christ.
- goes to church every Sunday...
... and Bible study. And small group. Plus the small group that they lead. And church choir. And women's group/men's group. And is on at least two church committees.
- constantly strives to be more like Christ.
- confesses their sins to others.
- reads their Bible.
- loves God.
- loves their neighbors as him or herself.
- does not sin. Oh wait...
... that's not possible.

I guess nobody's a perfect Christian.
I suppose I should apologize for disappointing the multitude that thinks they are.
Sorry. But you're not.
So get off your high horse.
Perhaps you should get down on your knees.


Click here to revisit Chapter 157.

June 1, 2010

Ch. 714 - "Tiaka..."

I haven't published a post for the last two weeks for a number of reasons. Those reasons don't matter, nor do my writings. It's not a big deal. I've been writing in a notebook now and then, in addition to the random notations I jot down in my blank page journal that I tote everywhere. Man that thing is great... Anyway, I haven't decided whether I'm going to use any of those writings for future posts. Probably not.

To be completely honest, I don't think I'm going to write any posts for the remainder of the summer. That's another decision I have yet to make. I'm on the verge of being swept into a new season of my life and I really think it needs to be a time of little to no "technological communication". No texting. No Facebook. No Blogspot. No computer, really, except for when I need it to do something for my online courses I'm taking this summer. I just want to unplug. And I think I'd be able to do so quite easily, to tell you the truth. For others, I know it'd be incredibly difficult. Even teachers at school are noted for being tech-savvy and "with it" to such a great degree that they are constantly checking their smart phones with every vibration or ding that come from the devices. Sad. Necessary? At times, perhaps. But still... sad.

A few weeks ago I went down to IHOP-KC with a friend. The moment we arrived, my friend went into the café in search of an electrical outlet for his computer. And then he started to freak out because his phone was about to die and he didn't have his charger. He began to ask others in the café if they had an iPhone charger. Once he found someone who did, I knew that was it... he would be plugged into the wall for the entire time we were there. He only went into the prayer room when the café had closed, and it was too dark/cool outside to stay there any longer. I was pretty disappointed. Not with him, mind you - but for him. If only he could have fully realized what he was missing out on. What really got me was something he said at the beginning of our time at IHOP. He mentioned that he was upset because he felt the need to be able to be connected to people at all times.

Calls. Texts. Twitter. Emails. Skype.

Do we truly need to be "on the grid" at all times? ... I don't think so. To each his own, I suppose. But I feel that it's important to be on the grid with the One who matters most... constantly listening, watching, and waiting for something from Him.

Messages. Revelations. Truths.

Wait for Him.

That is one of the greatest things - if not the greatest - that I learned this past year. Sometimes that is the best thing we could ever do. Simply wait for God.

And trust that He will show up.
Trust that He will answer.
Trust that He will help.
Trust that He will guide.


Click here to revisit Chapter 155.

May 18, 2010

Ch. 713 - All I Have

'Praise the Lord, O my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy
[Psalm 103:1]

To praise our Lord God with all our inmost being... what an incredulous thing. Do we truly let ourselves do that, though? I know at times, that's all I want to do. But I hold myself back. Containment. Why?

As much as I love to just put my thoughts out there and go on to the next thing [or post, in this case - seeing how I'm behind a couple days...], I can't answer this question right now. I need time to think about it... and decide what, if anything, I want to say.

But God is good.
And He does deserve to be praised with everything we have.


Click here to revisit Chapter 143.

May 17, 2010

Ch. 712 - Triumphant Praise


The enemy has been defeated.
He has overcome sin and the grave.


We have been given freedom.

'When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth - Gog and Magog - to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God's people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown in to the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.'
[Revelation 20:7-10]


Click here to revisit Chapter 132.

May 16, 2010

Ch. 711 - Something

God works in mysterious ways.

How many times have you heard that throughout your life?

Probably a lot.
Because it's true.

He does.

And I'm glad.
It keeps us on our toes.

We paint pictures of Him in our minds with glory and wonder.

Who knows what He will do tomorrow?
Or the next day?
Or the next?

Something big.
Something beautiful.

'Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.'
[Ephesians 1:3]


Click here to revisit Chapter 131.

May 15, 2010

Ch. 710 - Summer Excitement

One week... I decided not to play catch-up. It's all good.

My second - and second to last - year at Central Christian College of the Bible came to a close this past Wednesday, as I rounded out my last day with two finals. They were the toughest of my five, and I got a high 'A' on each. Fabulous. But I can really only attribute my successes to God, for He blessed me with the abilities and skills necessary to do well. I simply put them to use. If you try to pound a nail into a piece of wood without a hammer, it's not exactly going to work. Using your hand won't do anything. And using something other than a hammer may work, but it's really just not the same. While it's nice to see or hear acknowledgment for doing well on something, I can't pretend like I truly deserve anything. Glory to God, in all things great and small.

Summer has begun, and I don't know how to feel about it...

Two jobs.
Two classes.
Two churches [more on this later...].

I plan on spending a lot of time with my brother, Wes - he just finished his first year of college and I am really proud of him. Anyway, we have dubbed the next few months S²'10:


So great.
We're stoked.
We've started making a list of things we plan on doing, and without a doubt more "to-do" items will be added to it within the next week or two.

I think what I'm most excited about this summer, though, is the fact that I plan on falling more and more in love with Christ. I ended the school year on a positive note in regards to my relationship with Him, but I'm... fine. Just... fine.

I want to be better than fine.
And I want to be stepping forward, not standing still.

Lately I've been getting myself down... and I let myself be kept there by the prince of this world - and I am [obviously] pretty okay with that. It's easy... I mean, it's not necessarily good for those around me, but for me? It's comfortable. I can make it work. Of course, I tend to mess things up pretty terribly when I get into this state. Mistakes. Regrets. But sometimes I feel like I really just don't like myself. So I wonder how anyone else could ever like me, let alone love me. Of course, I know my flaws. I tend to see myself in a negative light. I am, truly, an animal. And so I figure that I deserve to be where I am. I deserve to allow myself to think of ME the way I do. But as someone very dear to my heart told me today, "We're all going to have things we are striving to improve in ourselves. We can't dwell in the negative. That's the adversary trying to keep us down. We have to remember our worth in Christ."


As is Christ.
As am I.

That is my focus for the summer.
For myself.
For others.
For God.

'Let the morning bring me word of your
unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
for to you I lift up my soul.
Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God;
may your good Spirit
lead me on level ground.'
[Psalm 143:8-10]


Ch. 710, Part Two:

One definition of "valuation" in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is the following: 'judgment or appreciation of worth or character'.

Now you know.


Click here to revisit Chapter 130.

May 8, 2010

Ch. 709 - Missions Kid

I have been dubbed one of the "missions kids" here at Central, basically because Mike Worstell always picked on me [Spock] in classes, and I've done skits for Harvesters during chapel. Awesome.

But I don't mind. Because it's true... I plan on doing missions. And I'm totally stoked. I'm going to the Middle East next summer for my internship and I could not be more excited to get some great hands-on experience and see what life is like as a missionary in the Middle East. I don't know what to expect. I mean, I kind of do - I'm learned in the culture, history, religions, etc. of the region... oh research, how I love thee. But research pales in comparison to actually living amongst it all. Seeing it. Hearing it. Feeling it. Tasting it. Smelling it. I'm sure each day will bring new surprises - pleasant or unpleasant - and unexpected twists or turns. I'll be glad for these, though.

Proclaim His name. Share His love.
That's what I desire to do.
Wherever He calls me, I will go.
Am I ready? No.
But I have time.
And God will prepare me.

'Give thanks to the Lord, call on his
make known among the nations
what he has done.
Sing to him, sing praise to him;
tell of all his wonderful acts.'
[Psalm 105:1-2]


Click here to revisit Chapter 126.

May 7, 2010

Ch. 708 - The Blessed Hope

'For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope - the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.'
[Titus 2:11-14]

Do we say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions?
Do we live self-controlled, upright and godly lives?
Are we eager to do what is good?

Do we even remember that at while we are living... at this very moment, truly... we are waiting for the "glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ"?


Click here to revisit Chapter 104.

May 6, 2010

Ch. 707 - Surrounded

Natural beauty.

Humor, too.
Simplistic humor - not even of man.

God, oh God.
You are truly everywhere.

'If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.'
[Psalm 139:8]


Click here to revisit Chapter 94.

May 5, 2010

Ch. 706 - Friendship

'And Jonathan had David reaffirm his oath out of love for him, because he loved him as he loved himself.'
[1 Samuel 20:17]

... I think we should all desire to have friendships that resemble the friendship between Jonathan and David. They represent a true model for loving others [as yourself] and I consider that beautiful...


Click here to revisit Chapter 89.

May 4, 2010

Ch. 705 - Thankful for Joy


A pouring out of the Spirit.

Made new.
Made clean.


Focused on His throne.


'Light is shed upon the righteous
and joy on the upright in heart.
Rejoice in the Lord, you who are
and praise his holy name.'
[Psalm 97:11-12]


Click here to revisit Chapter 78.

May 3, 2010

Ch. 704 - In Love

Sometimes it is absolutely wonderful to spend time alone.

Today I went on a walk.
And it was lovely. Just lovely.
The sun was shining, a slight breeze cooled the air.
Tree leaves have budded.
Grass is lush and green.
Flowers are blooming.

[I love spring.]

I was completely captivated by God's beautiful creation.

I may have been physically alone.
But I was walking with my Lord God, and I was so glad for His company... His presence. It was simply pleasant. A comfort.

He loves me.
And I love Him.
But more than that, I am in love with Him.

He delights in me.

" 'See! The winter is past;
the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth;
the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves
is heard in our land.
The fig tree forms its early fruit;
the blossoming vines spread their
Arise, come, my darling;
my beautiful one, come with me." '
[Song of Songs, 2:11-13]


Ch. 704, Part Two:

So. Kind of random, but... if you've followed this blog at all, you'll know that I have, at times, used Bible verses as a post.

That's it.
Words from the Bible.
No thoughts.
Just words.
I figure, 'Sometimes that's all you need, you know?'

But I myself call those posts "cop-outs".

There have been multiple days in a row, even, where I do this. And the reasons as to why vary. I used to simply not care. Yet as I look back on random posts, I realize how greatly it bothers me...

Three cheers for OCD!

Thus, I have decided to go back throughout the blog and edit those posts. I will add to them whatever comes to mind as I read those verses which I had [usually] hurriedly typed down as I played catch-up or whatever.

I'm totally stoked to do this, actually, because it'll be good to have one more interjection in my day to get into God's word.

For each day I write a new post - no more simple Bible verse posts from here on out - I will go back and edit one post, until there are no more posts with only Bible verses. What a fabulous plan. I'm so great. And humble.

Click here to revisit Chapter 29.

May 2, 2010

Ch. 703 - I had to.

Lover of my soul.
Creator of my heart.
Beautiful is He.
And beautiful am I.

He can do great things.

All it takes is a breath.

Thirst, quenched.
Hunger, satiated.

A new perspective.

Made alive.

The Lord Himself will proclaim and declare His greatness.
Are our eyes and ears open?

'Be at rest once more, O my soul,
for the Lord has been good to you.
For you, O Lord, have delivered my
soul from death,
my eyes from tears,
my feet from stumbling,
that I may walk before the Lord
in the land of the living.'
[Psalm 116:7-9]

May 1, 2010

Ch. 702 - Fire in the Night

'Praise the Lord, all you servants of the
who minister by night in the house
of the Lord.
Lift up your hands in the sanctuary
and praise the Lord.
May the Lord, the Maker of heaven and
bless you from Zion.'
[Psalm 134]

Who is to say that we should only praise our God during the day?

Night brings many things.
"The witching hour."

I think IHOP is doing it right...
And no, I'm not talking about the pancake place.
I mean the International House of Prayer.
The concept of 24/7 worship and intercessory prayer is wonderful and it has brought so much good and hope and change into the lives of people all around the world.

Note: IHOP has a "Fire in the Night" period for those who spend time praising and praying during the late night hours [between midnight and 6:00 AM]. And there truly is something freeing and beautiful in doing exactly that. One of my friends at school is transferring to IHOP next spring to become a Fire in the Night intern, and I must admit... I am extremely envious.

April 30, 2010

Ch. 701 - People are Good

'Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, "Sit here while I go over there and pray." He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then he said to them, "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me." '
[Matthew 26:36-38]

Jesus brought Peter, James, and John with Him to the garden at Gethsemane, and on their way Jesus began to be grieved and distressed. I believe this verse shows the humanity of Jesus, and also teaches us how to live in one aspect. Even though Jesus knew He was going to die in obedience for our salvation, He was at a vulnerable, weak moment in His life. Jesus’ bringing His three closest disciples reveals that we were created as relational beings. I sense a feeling of dependency on these three during this moment in Jesus’ life; I believe that we should realize we can turn to our brothers and sisters in Christ for help and support, in addition to turning to God.

Note to self: There are so many good people in this world.
Not everyone I come to face is "evil" or careless.
I should not be so terribly critical.
I simply distance myself in doing so and that is not a good thing.

April 29, 2010

Ch. 700 - Zeal

'Do not let your heart envy sinners,
but always be zealous for the fear of
the Lord.'
[Proverb 23:17]

How often do we think about our fear - or lack thereof - of God?
Just a thought.

April 28, 2010

Ch. 699 - Anchor For the Soul

'We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.'
[Hebrews 6:19-20]

Unlike high priests of the past, who could only enter God’s presence occasionally, Jesus entered into heaven and is continually in His presence. Jesus only had to offer His sacrifice once, gaining eternal redemption for all who come to God through Him. His sacrifice and selection as High Priest has displaced all ways of the Law. Jesus is now the intercessor for God’s people, for His blood has covered their sins. Praise and thankfulness is due to this great High Priest. Oh, how blessed I am!

April 27, 2010

Ch. 698 - To Glory in Christ

'...for we are the true circumcision, who worship in the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh...'
[Philippians 3:3, NASB]

Glory [verb] - to rejoice proudly.
I appreciate this.

April 26, 2010

Ch. 697 - Shame

I tend to withdraw from people whom I feel I have wronged in any way. If I begin to feel humiliated or ashamed by my words or actions towards someone, I do not desire to spend time with them, even if they don't realize how I feel... if they think nothing of it... or if they immediately say something along the lines of, "Hey it's okay... No big deal. I forgive you!"

It's even worse when I feel ashamed because of my words or actions toward my Lord God... what a terrible feeling. Yet He is even quicker to say, "I forgive you!" than those around me. He loves me so greatly. And letting myself feel ashamed only distances me from God and that love. Guilt and shame are destructive. Feeling loved and worthy of Him builds me up and encourages me to deepen my relationship with Him.

God is so good.

' "Even now," declares the Lord, "return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning." Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.'
[Joel 2:12-13]

Again, context... see what Bible college does to you?
Whatever. I'm over it.

April 25, 2010

Ch. 696 - Bread

'Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty." '
[John 6:35]

I think if Jesus were a type of bread, He would be WonderBread.
Wheat bread, though... none of that white bread crap.
... Stupid white-Jesus paintings...

April 24, 2010

Ch. 695 - What do I experience?

' "The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it, that its deeds are evil." '
[John 7:7, NASB]

'A true born-again believer who is living a life for God's glory should experience the hatred and antagonism of the world.'
- John MacArthur

April 23, 2010

Ch. 694 - Chosen

He makes all things new.
He keeps all of His promises.

This is the God that gave me life.

He has given me purpose.
He has great plans for me.

I can only imagine what He will have me do for Him in the future.

' "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit - fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name." '
[John 15:16]

April 22, 2010

Ch. 693 - Things Above

Understanding displaces prejudice.


We need to abandon preconceived notions if we truly desire to reach out to [all] God's children. Letting ourselves rest in our false thoughts does much harm. I think that often, we don't even create the thoughts ourselves. Rather they are created by others and placed in our minds through various mediums.

It's time to take control.


'For God does not show favoritism.'
[Romans 2:11]

Mehhh, context...

But seriously. God doesn't, neither should we. We should accept others in an incredibly just manner. Equality.

April 21, 2010

Ch. 692 - I ain't broke.

"If it ain't broke... don't fix it."

But what if 'it' is broke?
Then what?

I mean, who does the fixing?
What tools are needed?
How long will it take?
Will it cost a lot?
What changes will occur?
What will remain the same?

Legitimate questions.
But do they matter?

As long as 'it' can be fixed, and continue once again to be used for the purpose it was created for, then the recreation or restoration process should be the least of worries... right?

I'm not so sure about that.

' "Praise be to the Lord, who has given rest to his people Israel just as he promised. Not one word has failed of all the good promises he gave through his servant Moses." '
[1 Kings 8:56]

Oh yeah. Breaking out the OT. Read through some of 1 Kings today... this jumped out at me. Three cheers.

April 20, 2010

Ch. 691 - Capacity

Before class this morning I began my day by praying in the gym.

Lord God.


Jesus Christ.


Holy Spirit.


The Church.



My mind was racing, my heart was pounding.

Even though I felt as if a million and one thoughts were running through my mind, I felt as if they all centered around a single theme: love.

My love for God.
My love for others.
God's love for me.
God's love for others.
The body's love for God.
The body's love for others.
And so it goes on...

I've come to realize that sometimes, throughout the day, all I pray for is love.
More love.

What I really desire is for us to love God more.

'Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment."
[Matthew 22:37-38]

How often are we asked, "Do you truly obey the greatest commandment?"

Or how often do we hear, "You know... it all comes down to love. That's what it's all about!"

So this morning, as I'm praying and "love" recycles itself through my thoughts, I hear the following line from the song All Consuming Fire by Misty Edwards:

'Let us fall more in love with You.'

Oh, the joys of putting the iPod on shuffle: what a pleasant surprise...

When I heard that line, I just stopped.
I was overcome with the weight of the Presence.
I doubled over.

But welcomed.

That's a heaviness on your heart that you should never want lifted.

No restraint.
Freedom in the Spirit.
All out of love, and the desire of love for God from others.

Desires from within that I'm not even fully aware of, made known to God.

Is that truly such a terrible thing?
[What are people so afraid of?]

God is listening.
"It's not time.
... They're not ready."
But He is listening.

Before all else, we need to increase our capacity to love.


Ask for more.
Love God.

Acceptance of self.
Love of self.

Ask for more.
Love God.

Acceptance of others.
Love of others.

Ask for more.
Love God.
Ask for more.

April 19, 2010

Ch. 690 - Voice Through Words

The following is part of a "Weekly Wisdom" from a daily Bible verse site. It's pretty redundant... but it's good in that it gets a fantastic point across.

'John 8:31-32 says, 'To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."'

If we hold to His teaching, meaning live in it, abide in it, and follow it, then we will know the truth. That's exactly the way hearing from God works. When we abide in his word, we will know his voice, which is truth.

All of scripture is God talking to His people. Thus, in order to hear from God, you must know scripture. God has given us scripture, and He calls it His word. It is the word of God. So how do you know God's talking to you? It is His word that He talks through.'

April 18, 2010

Ch. 689 - Nourishment

Sometimes I find myself overcome with anxious thoughts about the fact that it seems like we simply do not get it. What's more, sometimes it seems like we simply cannot get it - and we never will.

Pray for hope.

'Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord and shun evil.
This will bring health to your body
and nourishment to your bones.'
[Proverbs 3:7-8]